Paintings of the People: Native American Art
Nov 5th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Paintings of the People: Native American Art

CC: Handsome Morning — A Dakota, photo by ego technique.
Native American paintings

Native American paintings have been a favorite for many. There are hundreds of indigenous cultures in North America that have been beautifully captured on canvas. Many of the artists are from one of the tribes that are featured in their artwork.

Others have grown up in this culturally rich environment and have developed a passion and a respect for those early civilizations. History and artwork depicts some of the tribes or nations you maybe familiar with, such as the Navajo, the Sioux, the Cherokee, the Plains, and the Blackfoot Indians.

native American paintings recall a life remembered from long ago. This artwork can be very moving to the viewers and their colorful stories touch a part of each one’s soul differently.

Some paintings have a powerful meaning behind them, while others are created to render the simplicity of their natural life style. Many of the artists create a vision of the past that draw people into what the experiences of life of these indigenous people were and the trials they had to endure.

These Native American paintings may show peace and harmony amongst the tribes or they may portray them during war or famine. Often, what is truly a breathtaking piece to one person may exude a feeling of pain or sorrow to another.

This style of art is almost never ordinary in context. The artists gravitate to the authenticity of period clothing, their exquisite quill work, their supremely skillful beading on clothing, and the intricately masterful wood carvings.

There are many aspects of these cultures to choose. The work of artists both of the past and working today ranges from the most realistic portraits to the telling of legends and fantasy. Many viewers enjoy the landscapes showing the Indians traveling or hunting. Probably one of the most popular choices is of the portrayal of an individual.

This may be of an elder or tribal leader or of a child at play. The realistic details of the purity of a child or the harsh reality of being a tribal leader are easily felt through the formation of shapes and the use of different textures through meticulously, determined brush strokes.

Animals are another iconic resource this is popular for painters to depict. Spirituality and animals are very much one and the same, for many tribes believed that the earth and its creatures were a gift to be honored, loved, and respected.

“Native American isn’t blood; it is what is in the heart, the love for the land, the respect for it, for those who inhabit it; and the respect and acknowledgement of the spirits and the elders. That is what it is to be Indian.” This is a quote from the late White Feather, a Navaho Medicine Man.

Many will choose Native American paintings that highlight these peoples in prayer and worship or that have a religious and spiritual topic. The intricate detailing that the artists put into the composition of their facial features combined with the delicateness of interpreting their cultural heritage, and putting it onto the canvas is what draws an emotional response from a viewer.

It is like the human soul bonds with the work of art in a way that no one can describe. Native American paintings are so captivating on such a raw, genuine, spiritual level.

A true example of this expression can be found on pieces like ‘A Prayer In The Forest’ by Robert Duncan, ‘I Am Crow’ by Kirby Sattler, ‘Wolf Robe – Cheyenne’ by Wendelin, and ‘Eternal Soul Mates’ by Lee Bogle. Viewing these pieces will give the potential buyer an idea as to what has just been described.

Kirby Sattler Art For Sale

[phpbay]Kirby Sattler, 2, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Robert Duncan Art For Sale

[phpbay]Robert Duncan, 2, “550”, “”[/phpbay]

Lee Bogle Art For Sale

[phpbay]Lee Bogle, 3, “550”, “”[/phpbay]

About the author: Betz Gallery is an expert in Native American paintings, figurative women paintings and reproductions. Please visit us for any art work you may be looking for at

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