Nurse Pin-up and Others Plus More Nurse Pin-ups
Oct 31st, 2011 by Aldouspi

Nurse Pin-up and Others by Kelly Plus More Nurse Pin-ups


Wow, this month really flew by! Wanted to share a *sneak peak* at some new album designs and let folks know that I’m almost booked through November/December for holiday sessions but it’s never too early to start planning for your sweetheart for Valentine’s! I know it seems early but time just flys, doesn’t it? So make a date to get pampered by our stylists, pick out a few pieces of sexy things to wear and leave the rest up to us! Simple, isn’t it? We’ll make it worth your time. Give a gift your loved one will never forget! Contact me to book a session in January (by Nov 30th or before spots fill up) and I’ll offer you a special bonus Print or Photo Credit ($ 100 Value!) Here’s some sweet Pin-Up inspiration and sample Album Design, see more on my Facebook Page. Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you soon! Happy Halloween weekend! xoxo Kelly (408)329-2511

Album design by:

Posted via email from Pin Up’s by Kelly

Pin-Up & Boudoir Photography

Nurse Pin-up For Sale

[phpbay]nurse pinup, 10, “1”, “”[/phpbay]
[phpbay]nurse pinup, 8, “11450”, “”[/phpbay]

Nurse Pin-up and Others by Kelly Plus More Nurse Pin-ups

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New Vintage Headboard and Bedroom Set by Kelly Plus Vintage Pinups
Oct 21st, 2011 by Aldouspi

New Vintage Headboard and Bedroom Set by Kelly Plus Vintage Pinups


Inspired by the tufted vintage headboard from Mad Men (just can’t wait for the new season to begin!) I created this bedroom set perfect for both modern boudoir photos as well as retro pin-ups! This bedroom set evokes the look of a lavish hotel mixed with a little 1960’s inspiration (Think Marilyn Monroe bedroom pics). Paired with your favorite lingerie (whether modern or vintage-inspired) the possibilities for beautiful, sexy photos are endless! Above are a few examples from a recent boudoir photo session. I just love how the colors really pop against the creamy satin texture and how any lingerie can work against this lush setting. For packages and info on booking a session, please email: (408)329-2511 Reserve your holiday session soon to create a gorgeous gift to remember! New album design, books and calendars available! Thanks for stopping by! xoxo Kelly 

Hair & Make-Up by Emily Nguyen

Posted via email from Pin Up’s by Kelly

Pin-Up & Boudoir Photography

Vintage Pin-up For Sale

[phpbay]vintage pinup, 18, “20158”, “”[/phpbay]

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