All Year Round Pin-up by Kei Phillips
Sep 2nd, 2011 by Aldouspi

All Year Round Pin-up by Kei Phillips

A random new illustration I whipped up yesterday, was going for a spring, summer, autumn, winter theme, hence the name. Enjoy!

Kei frames

Year Pin-up For Sale

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All Year Round Pin-up by Kei Phillips related articles from the blogosphere…

Stunt of the Year: Pin-Up Class « Silk Purse and Sow's Ear

Stunt of the Year: Pin-Up Class. 26 Aug. A new term has slipped into my everyday speech: “stunt.” A few months ago church lady partner-in-crime, Gretchen and I were visiting a second-hand store in her neighborhood and stumbled upon Let's

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Happy New Year! | Gorilla Daze

Happy New Year to all — I hope 2011 brings you every success and happiness. I don't have any clever, New Year-themed picture to run, so enjoy this pinup of Fatman instead… Pun-up of Fatman the Human Flying Saucer

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Miss Missy: Photography Spotlight | The Pinup Directory

A Pinup Directory exclusive! You've recently moved here so first off, welcome to LA Missy! How has Hollywood been treating you and your daughter? It's been so much fun! I've been more social than I've been in 4 years. My daughter and I

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2010 New Years pin-up speed painting demo from Drake Pin-up

This is the first of a very exciting challenge that I am setting up for myself. A new pin-up every week in 2010. Check out for your weekly pin-up art in 2010. I will try to get most of them on to YouTube, but I want to focus on the ar…

Happy New Year Pin-up
Jan 5th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Happy New Year Pin-up

Wishing you all a fabulous start in the new year! Please go to my Facebook Page and get a sneak peak at some 2011 Pin-Up Calendar inspiration! Looking forward to creating your Valentine’s Pin-ups soon! Must have your session in January in order give your sweetheart a gift he’ll love and never forget! Get a gorgeous 5×7 Card when you book by January 15th! xoxo Kelly

Hair & Make-Up Styling by Thy Dinh

Posted via email from Pin Up’s by Kelly

Pin-Up & Boudoir Photography

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