Contrasts by el imagenero – Light & Dark Photograph
Feb 15th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Contrasts by el imagenero – Light & Dark Photograph

Contrasts by el imagenero
Photographer: el imagenero
Official website:

Girl And Photography

[phpbay]contrast photograph, 12, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Contrasts by el imagenero – Light & Dark Photograph related articles from the blogosphere…

How to take great professional photos: Light, Colors and Contrast

In taking a photograph you need to notice contrasting colors and if you want to create a strong photo take use of them. Also here, color contrasts have to be taken into account in subject matter and composition through the photo. …

Publish Date: 01/29/2011 10:25

Short Introduction To Winter Photography | Photo HowTo

Another interesting thing you could try out, is the contrast between warm and cold. For example, you could shoot your portraits inside a coffeehouse, while also portraying the incredible cold outside, the snow and so on. …

Publish Date: 02/15/2011 0:33

The Art Of Photography: Assisgnment 1 : Contrasts

The assignment task is to demonstrate visual contrasts in pairs of images. For example a photograph that represents the word “Heavy” paired with another that is indicative of the word “Light”. From the given list of 21 contrasting pairs …

Publish Date: 02/15/2011 10:11

Vogue 6

Lillian Bassman (June 15, 1917 in Brooklyn) is an American painter and photographer. Her parents were Jewish intellectuals who emigrated from Russia to the United States in 1905 and settled in Brooklyn, New York. She studied at the Textile High Schoo…

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Contrasts by el imagenero – Light & Dark Photograph
Feb 15th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Contrasts by el imagenero – Light & Dark Photograph

Contrasts by el imagenero
Photographer: el imagenero
Official website:

Girl And Photography

[phpbay]contrast photograph, 12, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Contrasts by el imagenero – Light & Dark Photograph related articles from the blogosphere…

How to take great professional photos: Light, Colors and Contrast

In taking a photograph you need to notice contrasting colors and if you want to create a strong photo take use of them. Also here, color contrasts have to be taken into account in subject matter and composition through the photo. …

Publish Date: 01/29/2011 10:25

Short Introduction To Winter Photography | Photo HowTo

Another interesting thing you could try out, is the contrast between warm and cold. For example, you could shoot your portraits inside a coffeehouse, while also portraying the incredible cold outside, the snow and so on. …

Publish Date: 02/15/2011 0:33

The Art Of Photography: Assisgnment 1 : Contrasts

The assignment task is to demonstrate visual contrasts in pairs of images. For example a photograph that represents the word “Heavy” paired with another that is indicative of the word “Light”. From the given list of 21 contrasting pairs …

Publish Date: 02/15/2011 10:11

Vogue 6

Lillian Bassman (June 15, 1917 in Brooklyn) is an American painter and photographer. Her parents were Jewish intellectuals who emigrated from Russia to the United States in 1905 and settled in Brooklyn, New York. She studied at the Textile High Schoo…

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