Pearls, Pearls and more Pearls! – Boudoir Louisville
Aug 14th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Every client asks us what to bring for outfits. We are adding this to our list! Sammantha was celebrating her 3rd wedding anniversary and wanted to really WOW her hubby. She brought in a bag full of pearls to use a one of her outfits. Sammantha explained her concept and we rolled with it. My assistant, Britt, helped her strategically place all of those pearls so that we wouldn’t see anything naughty. Remember, we keep it classy here at Boudoir Louisville!
Sammantha definitely wins creativity points for this one. I am sure her hubby will love this!

Want to do something like this for your special someone? Give us a call today with any questions you may have.

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Louisville Boudoir and Pinup Photographers

Brandy in a classic Pin-up Pose by Alaskan Dude
Apr 13th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Brandy in a classic pin-up pose

Image by Alaskan Dude
Brandy is one of my favorite models to shoot with. In addition to being a great belly dancer she is also one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet. She is so much fun to shoot with, not too demanding (but she loves chocolate from Mexico, and also very creative. I took these photos at our Retro, Pin-up, and Valentines shoot in February 2009 in Anchorage, Alaska.

Plus the Art of Brandy Woods…

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