Quick Sketch – Pin-up Taking Off Top
Aug 12th, 2016 by Aldouspi

Sometimes an idea just hits you and you make a quick sketch. And if that fast drawing turn out to look good enough, you want to share it.

Here is a quick sketch pin-up of a beautiful woman taking off her top

Pinup Arena

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For Fun – Why not Learn how to Draw your Own Pin-up Girl with this Youtube Tutorial?

Picture of the Day: Bill Gates Recreates 1973 High School Yearbook Photo
Mar 10th, 2016 by Aldouspi



Photograph via Bill Gates


Bill Gates completed his fourth reddit AMA (ask me anything) yesterday; it’s worth a read if you any interest in the thoughts and opinions of the world’s richest person.

As part of the validation process, AMA participants are asked to verify themselves, typically by posting a picture or message on another verified account such as Twitter or Facebook.

In Gates’ case, his verification photo was the recreation you see above. The original was taken 43 years ago in 1973 when Gates was still in high school; the attention to detail is pretty awesome.

Be sure to check out Bill and Melinda’s 8th Annual Gates Letter, always an interesting read.



picture of the day button Picture of the Day: Bill Gates Recreates 1973 High School Yearbook Photo

twistedsifter on facebook Picture of the Day: Bill Gates Recreates 1973 High School Yearbook Photo



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