In a Hurry Archie Dickens
Dec 10th, 2023 by Aldouspi

The lovely lady seems to be in such a hurry to walk her dog, she forgot to put on her clothes! This Archie Dickens pinup reflects the usual humor and talent of this artist. Originally, a greeting card artist, Archie Dickens eventually found a better outlet for his creativity in producing works showcasing cutesy beautiful nude and not nude women pinups.

Walking the Dog Au Natural

This pinup, as a photo print, is on sale at eBay! To check out the art, click here Walking the Dog Nude Pinup by Archie Dickens.

For more artwork by this great pinup artist, I recommend the following book, available on Amazon…

Pin-Up Art of Archie Dickens Vol 2

Product Description
The spry and devilishly creative pin-up elder-statesman Archie Dickens is back with a new compendium of cuties to delight an appreciative public. A contemporary of such artistic greats as Elvgren and Vargas, Mr. Dickens was still kicking into the new millenium, still making naughty portraits of young ladies in various states of undress – all with a sly smile and an innocent demeanor. Each illustration features a delightful damsel doing something perfectly ordinary, … More >>

Pin-Up Art of Archie Dickens Vol 2



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George Petty Pretty Pinups
Nov 23rd, 2023 by Aldouspi


The pin up art of George Petty is a very iconic. His classical pin-up girls are both very recognizable, and delightful. Petty is considered one of the leading pinup artists of the golden era of advertising pin-ups.

Like his contemporaries Vargas and Elvgren, Petty had a very long career as an illustrator and artist. A master of the airbrush technique, he began to create his beautiful women art for a pin-up calendar in 1926. Petty kept painting and creating pin-up girls until 1970.

Classic Pin-Up Art of George Petty
Available on Amazon

George Petty’s style of pin-up girl was so recognizable that when he created one of the most iconic pin up girl image of all time, it was called “The Petty Girl.” She first appeared in 1933 and continued showing up in magazines and advertisements until 1956. Petty spent many years working as an illustrator for Esquire magazine, but his work did appear elsewhere.

Do these vintage pinup George Petty Girls work in today’s myriad types of art? I think so. When you study the curvaceous figures, the stylized smiles on women’s faces, the feet wearing ballet slippers, the long legs – this art works for me. These pinup women are executed so technically perfect, the sexual beauty of the images continue to have an impact. I also like his insistence on a white background…

About the author: Stacy Lande is a Los Angeles based artist, and her pin up art is most often placed in the lowbrow category. Her book, THE RED BOX, from Last Gasp press, features introductions from Robert Williams and Frank Kozik. Stacy has had a lifelong obsession with pin up girls, and her erotic paintings explore the more allegorical side of pinups.

Her subjects are femme fatales and devil girls, and her fascination with the succubus has prompted her work to be described as “predatory pinups”.

Stacy’s paintings have been featured in magazine articles, notably Juxtapoz, Detour, and Hot Rod Deluxe; films, notably Gone in 60 Seconds starring Angelina Jolie and Nicholas cage; and art books, such as Weirdo Deluxe, from Chronicle Books, and Vicious, Delicious, and Ambitious, from Schiffer Books.p  

A slideshow of George Petty’s artwork.

News About Pin-up Art

The Art of Pin-Up
Available on Amazon

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