The lovely lady seems to be in such a hurry to walk her dog, she forgot to put on her clothes! This Archie Dickens pinup reflects the usual humor and talent of this artist. Originally, a greeting card artist, Archie Dickens eventually found a better outlet for his creativity in producing works showcasing cutesy beautiful nude and not nude women pinups.
Walking the Dog Au Natural
This pinup, as a photo print, is on sale at eBay! To check out the art, click here Walking the Dog Nude Pinup by Archie Dickens.
For more artwork by this great pinup artist, I recommend the following book, available on Amazon…
Pin-Up Art of Archie Dickens Vol 2

Product Description
The spry and devilishly creative pin-up elder-statesman Archie Dickens is back with a new compendium of cuties to delight an appreciative public. A contemporary of such artistic greats as Elvgren and Vargas, Mr. Dickens was still kicking into the new millenium, still making naughty portraits of young ladies in various states of undress – all with a sly smile and an innocent demeanor. Each illustration features a delightful damsel doing something perfectly ordinary, … More >>
Pin-Up Art of Archie Dickens Vol 2