Neptune Roman God of the Sea Feb 20th, 2023 by Aldouspi
This post reverts to more classical art – both in time and in theme. Behold the Roman God of the Oceans – Neptune riding a seahorse and carrying his trident. Greek and Roman gods and goddesses were common classical subjects which, along with other mythological beings, allowed artists to present nude men and women in their art without the danger of censorship. Of course, this particular painting is also one of a buff, nude man! The artwork below of Neptune, Roman God of the Sea, was painted by Dutch artist Werner van den Valckert, around 1605.
This image of a strong Neptune on his seahorse, is available as an 8.5 x 11 inch photo print. It is for sale at my store on eBay (without the watermark). You can learn more about purchasing a photo print titled “Neptune, the Roman God of the Oceans” by clicking on the picture. Or click on the link below the art to be taken to this eBay item.
Neptune – Roman God of the Sea 8.5×11″ Photo Print by Werner van den Valckert
Purchase this photo print on eBay, by clicking here:
Click this link to view all of my pinups, vintage nudes and other fine art photo prints in the Risquephotography Store .
News About the Roman God Neptune
Graphic Myths and Legends: Odysseus: Escaping Poseidon's Curse: a Greek Legend Reviews Nov 29th, 2010 by Aldouspi
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