About Graphic Facilitation aka Visual Recording by Igor Lukyanov
Mar 23rd, 2012 by Aldouspi

About Graphic Facilitation aka Visual Recording by Igor Lukyanov

Graphic facilitation (aka visual recording) means creating images by freehand drawing in real-time to visually convey ideas during meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences. Interest in graphic facilitation has surged in the age of Youtube as businesses and individuals nhave realized that visual facilitation, particularly if carried out by a professional artist, can be a great way to introduce various ideas, promote brands and even display products to the enormous Youtube audience in a fun way.

Visual Recording
Graphic facilitation is a popular way to promote ideas, brands and products on Youtube

A graphic facilitator (artist) can create dynamic, out-of-the-box visual presentations of almost anything unlike videos, which are more complicated in production, or slide-shows, which are less dynamic and more prone to be boring. I would even compare graphic facilitation with advertising because today’s graphic facilitators try to bring as much fun and creativity to their visual drawing performance as advertising agencies do with more conventional ads.

Visual recording is fun to watch and we all know that people memorize anything funny, interesting or emotional much better, faster and for a very long time.

Some businesses have already discovered the power of graphic facilitation in conveying ideas and awareness about products and brands. Thus you can observe the growing number of videos featuring graphic facilitators creating some cool drawings on whiteboards in Youtube. (Publisher’s note: Longtime visitors to this website, may have noticed we often publish videos that show artists in action.)

A number of professional teams have emerged to create end-to-end visual graphic facilitation videos ready for Youtube. Those teams ask a high price for their visual recording services, however they can boast of high quality production values, creativity, experience and outstanding drawing talent.

I had noticed graphic facilitation videos on Youtube, long before I was hired as a visual facilitator for the first time. I regarded these videos as a rather curious marketing idea, so I began to think it would be interesting to get involved in a visual recording project. Although I was not much prepared, three weeks ago I was commissioned to create a set of time-lapse videos to be used for graphic facilitation purposes by John M. Tate, an Executive Vice President for Systematic Development Group LLC, who was to present the LOK-IT Secure Flash Drive at the 2012 Annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS 2012) Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas.

Mr. Tate had been kind enough to provide me with the recording of his presentation, which fragments, I used as voice over for the graphic facilitation video you can watch below.

Igor Lukyanov – Graphic Artist | Illustrator | Portraitist

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Visual Recording

Am I an Artist or an Artisan?
Jan 4th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Am I an Artist or an Artisan?

The English language is extremely rich, and provides the possibility of precise communication. Our language evolves rapidly, and while some new expressions emerge to describe modern life, many existing words have their common usage modified and corrupted. The term “Artist” provides a good example.

As a young boy, I dreamed of becoming an Artist, and that single word proficiently expressed my desire to paint and draw. Today I am a professional Artist, but have to qualify my title with an explanation.

My aging 1990 concise Oxford dictionary defines an “Artist” firstly as a painter (of pictures).

The word immediately before Artist is “Artisan”, meaning a skilled (manual) worker.

The word immediately after Artist is “Artiste”, meaning a professional performer, especially a singer or dancer.

The terms Artisan and Artiste are rarely used today. Our language has evolved, and “Artist” has become a generic word applied to any person who expresses their self through any medium.

The connection between artists and painting has become so diluted that the word is increasingly used to denote “skilled” people in non-“arts” activities, such as “scam artist” (a person very adept at deceiving others), “con artist” (a person very adept at committing fraud), and “p*ss artist” (a person very adept at drinking alcohol).

There is nothing inherently wrong with using the word “Artist” as an all-purpose title, but it does not effectively describe whether you paint, sing, dance, have a manual skill, or are about to empty the drinks cabinet!

So why is it that our language has evolved along these lines? Why would an Artiste or Artisan prefer to use a title that less adequately describes their skill, and invokes ambiguity?

Maybe the change has come about through ignorance, and falling standards of education? Could it be that people think Artiste is the French pronunciation of Artist? Well it is, but Artiste is also an English word with a different meaning – or it was!

Perhaps the change of language is a form of spin doctoring? My dictionary offers a further definition of an Artist as “a person who works with the dedication and attributes of an artist”. It’s not a very good definition, since it effectively it says that an Artist is “someone who works with the dedication and attributes of some one who works with dedication and attributes” (which is a bit like defining sticky tape as – tape that is sticky)! However, if someone is a singing artiste but prefers to be described as an Artist, they are really saying they are more than a singer because they perform with “dedication and attributes”?

Re-defining the word is possibly just a reflection of changing perceptions, and a growing acceptance that art is the act of creation/expression? If we agree to the modern view, which applauds the act of creation rather than the end product, we all become Artists, because we all create something at sometime. This shift of focus from the Artist’s product, to the creative/expressive process severs the necessity for skill, and the title “Artist” is available for use without fear of derision.

I create Portraits for a living. My artwork is not about me expressing my inner self, or being imaginative, but producing a likeness, and working to a client’s specifications. Maybe that makes me an Artisan: a skilled manual worker, and not an Artist after all?

Portraits by John Burton

Portrait artist working mainly from clients’ own photographs.

Article from articlesbase.com

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