Rulah Jungle Goddess Cover
Feb 18th, 2016 by Aldouspi

Here are a couple Pinup Cartoon images for your enjoyment:

Pinup Cartoon
Image by juliemeynard
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Rulah Jungle Goddess #17 (1948) by Jack Kamen
Pinup Cartoon
Image by Tom Simpson

The surface of Mars… never before seen at such close range by human eyes
Pinup Cartoon
Image by Tom Simpson
"Spawn of Mars" by Wally Wood


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Jungle Goddesses Like Rulah
Jan 24th, 2016 by Aldouspi

Here is Jungle Goddess Rulah from Zoot Comics art by Matt Baker

Pinup Cartoon

Image by Tom Simpson
Rulah Jungle Goddess, Zoot #13A (1948) by Matt Baker

Some Notes on Jungle Goddesses

    With the success of “Tarzan” by Edgar Rice Burroughs, it is not surprising that a female version, or more than one, would be equally popular, at least in the world of comics. And the comic pages were just the right vehicle for such women characters to come to life. Rulah was one such Jungle Goddess, a somewhat bored American Woman named Jane, she crashed her airplane in the jungle and eventually becomes a jungle girl. The comic books that featured her stories were published by Fox Feature Syndicate. (See a video of one such Rulah comic below.)

    Rima, the Jungle Girl appeared in comic books published by DC Comics in the early 1970’s. Although, she originally appeared in a novel back in 1904 – before the publication of Tarzan!

    A more modern version of the Jungle Goddess is Jana Sky-Born, she lives on an island filled with dangerous creatures and dinosaurs. Adapting the name Jungle Girl, Jana has honed her natural abilities to a far greater extant than any other female to protect the land she loves.

    There are many other Jungle Girls such as Sheena, Camilla, Fantomah and Ann Mason to name just a few. Besides the similar locations, plots and artwork – one constant stands out in jungle girls – making them quite recognizable to the world of pin-ups – and that is that the females are always scantily clad, in jungle versions of the bikini or similar garb.

    Book About A Jungle Goddess

    See this TITLE: Jungle Goddess

    In the depths of the African jungle, passion and terror mate! Unaware that the man’s popular “true adventures” were pure pulp fiction, Bob Lake’s publisher sent him on a safari into Africa. When the plane crashes in an unexplored region of the jungle, death lingers at every hand, from savage beasts to primitive natives — all determined to ravish the white invaders!

    Originally published as Jungle Nymph and later in a somewhat altered form as Jungle Goddess, here is the author’s preferred text, complete with new, fresh material written especially for this edition.


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featuring a Jungle Girl Pin-up Artwork


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