How Can YOU save $100 off of our Bombshell Boudoir and Pinup photo shoot? Jul 2nd, 2011 by Aldouspi
How Can YOU save $100 off of our Bombshell Boudoir and Pinup photo shoot? It’s simple, BRING A FRIEND!
We have a package available called the “Double Trouble”that sells for $800 total. This package includes full hair and makeup as well as faux lashes for you as well as your friend. We will shoot each of you in 6 outfits of your choice. Both of you will then receive 75-ish edited and fully retouched images in a private password protected online gallery. You each will then select 24 images that will be included in your very own leather bound hard cover book.
Extra prints and books can always be purchased.
Since you are shooting with your favorite gal-pal, we always snap a few super fun photos of the both of you to remember your time with us.
Don’t worry, your 6 outfit photo shoot will just be photos of you without your friend. The group shots are just for fun.
You can mix and match between boudoir and pinup styles. Some girls want to shoot all boudoir or all pinup. We are cool with whatever you want. Our studio manager / assistant Brittany will be in studio telling you how to pose and helping you with your wardrobe during your shoot.
Email us at for more info!
Looking for a Louisville Boudoir Photographer? Want to shoot your very own Pinup Girl Photographs? Visit Boudoir Louisville for more details. Snapping gorgeous pinup and boudoir photography in Louisville, Cincinnati, Lexington and beyond!
Louisville Boudoir and Pinup Photographers
Boudoir Photography[phpbay]Boudoir photography, 18, “”, “”[/phpbay] $100 ,
Bombshell ,
Boudoir ,
Boudoir Photo ,
Boudoir Photographer ,
Boudoir Photographers ,
Boudoir Photography ,
Brittany ,
Cincinnati ,
Double Trouble ,
Full Hair ,
Fun Photos ,
Gal Pal ,
Group Shots ,
Hair And Makeup ,
Ish ,
Know ,
Lashes ,
Photo ,
Photo Shoot ,
Photography Boudoir ,
Pinup ,
Pinup Girl ,
Pinup Girls ,
prints ,
Private Password ,
save ,
Shoot ,
want ,
Wardrobe Pin-up Dresses For Sale Mar 3rd, 2010 by Aldouspi
Hey, check out these Pin-up Dress auctions: Here is something to wear on your next date or to that fancy business dinner…
[phpbay]pin-up dress, 20, “”, “”[/phpbay]
Pin-up Dresses For Sale related articles from the blogosphere…
Online Retro Retailer: Pinup Girl Clothing: Reproductions of …
Whether you are looking for cigarette pants or a pencil skirt, Pinup Girl Clothing may satisfy your desire for vintage-inspired clothes that screen legends used to wear.
Publish Date: 01/27/2009 0:00
Loving Pin Up Mama Dresses | The Bump Wear Project
1Have you seen …Maternity Spanx for Bumps (1)Topshop Maternity Swimsuit (1)WINNERS of tickets to the Baby Show (13)wondermummy (3)Valja Print Maternity Sundress (1)Blooming Marvellous & Isabella Oliver deals (0) Does …
Publish Date: 09/09/2010 1:00
The Roaring 20's & the Flapper Culture |
Up until the twenties, high fashion had been for the richer ladies of society. However, the construction of a flapper’s dress was less complicated, which translated to more women making flapper dresses at home. The straight shift design made it …. PInuP HaIrSTyLes LifE MaKeuP gOaLS fAShiON PInuP WOrLd seLF HElp RocKAbiLLy 1960’s DReAm SeRieS PinUP liFEstYLE 1940’s MotIVatION rETro VinTAge 1950’s SucCEsS LOveLY bELieVE yOutUBe bLOGspOT. Life motivation self help success …
Publish Date: 09/12/2010 0:23
Pinup clothing, Pin Up Clothes, PinUp Dresses PinUp Clothing and Pin Up Dresses
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1950 ,
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blog ,
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C ,
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Ck ,
Clothes ,
Clothing Reproductions ,
Color ,
construction ,
Conte ,
Cr ,
Cruise Ship ,
Cruise Travel ,
culture ,
d ,
date ,
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design ,
Desire ,
Dinner ,
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Dresses ,
E ,
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Ev ,
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Ew ,
f ,
Fancy ,
Fashio ,
fashion ,
Fest ,
Flap ,
Flapper ,
Flapper Culture ,
Flapper Dresses ,
Flash ,
Fo ,
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Form ,
Format ,
Fr ,
From ,
g ,
Gal ,
gallery ,
Ght ,
Girl ,
Girl Clothing ,
Goals ,
h ,
H2 ,
hair ,
Hairs ,
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k ,
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l ,
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legends ,
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Logos ,
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Lt ,
Ly ,
m ,
Made ,
Makeup ,
making ,
Mama ,
Marvel ,
Mate ,
maternity ,
Maternity Swimsuit ,
men ,
Met ,
Money ,
more ,
Motivation ,
Movie ,
Mp ,
Mu ,
n ,
name ,
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Nfl Teams ,
o ,
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Om ,
online ,
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p ,
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Par ,
para ,
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Pencil ,
Pencil Skirt ,
Php ,
Pi ,
Pin ,
Pin-up Art ,
Pinu ,
Pinup ,
Pir ,
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Post ,
pottery ,
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r ,
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Related Articles ,
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s ,
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Screen Legends ,
seen ,
Self ,
series ,
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shop ,
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society ,
Sol ,
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some ,
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Ss ,
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Starlets ,
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Stude ,
student ,
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Student Loan Consolidation Center ,
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Styles ,
Success ,
Suit ,
Suite101 ,
Sun ,
swim ,
Swimsuit ,
t ,
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tea ,
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Teams ,
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Tent ,
Ter ,
these ,
Thing ,
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Tops ,
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True ,
Tube ,
tv ,
Type ,
u ,
uk ,
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until ,
Usi ,
v ,
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very ,
video ,
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vintage ,
watch ,
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