Day Runner Watercolors Recycled Monthly Compack Desk Pad, 11 x 8 1/2 Inches, 2012 (SK91-705) Nov 9th, 2011 by Aldouspi
Page size: 11″ x 8 1/2″. Recycled Content: 30% post-consumer waste paper, 100% post-consumer waste backboard 12 months (January – December) Block size: 1 3/4″ x 2″ One month per page; ruled daily blocks; notes space Perfect for small or crowded work spaces. Full-year calendar reference. Paper headband with clear vinyl corners. Who says that “recycled” can’t be as pleasing to the eye as it is to the planet? This attractive deskpad contains 30% post-consumer material in addition to being beautifully decorated with unique floral designs.
List Price: $ 12.19
Price: $ 8.23
12 Months ,
2012 ,
a ,
Act ,
Amazon ,
Amp ,
Ard ,
Art ,
Arti ,
Artist ,
artists ,
Ary ,
Asi ,
Asin ,
b ,
Back ,
Band ,
Bca ,
Beauti ,
Beautif ,
Beautiful ,
Being ,
Blocks ,
Board ,
book ,
books ,
Bu ,
C ,
Cal ,
Calendar ,
Calendar Reference ,
Camp ,
Cat ,
Ces ,
Cf ,
Ck ,
Clear Vinyl ,
Color ,
Colors ,
Compack ,
Conte ,
corner ,
Cr ,
creative ,
Crowd ,
d ,
Daily ,
Day Runner ,
December ,
Deco ,
decor ,
Decorate ,
Desig ,
design ,
Designs ,
Desk ,
Desk Pad ,
Dp ,
Dx ,
E ,
Eba ,
Ebay ,
f ,
Ferenc ,
Flo ,
Floral ,
Fo ,
Fully ,
g ,
Ght ,
h ,
Headband ,
i ,
Ign ,
Image ,
images ,
Img ,
Inch ,
inches ,
Ing ,
Ins ,
Ip ,
January ,
Jpg ,
k ,
Kw ,
l ,
Lane ,
Led ,
Left ,
Loc ,
Ly ,
m ,
Mage ,
Mate ,
month ,
Monthly ,
months ,
Mp ,
Mx ,
n ,
Note ,
o ,
Om ,
Ot ,
p ,
Pack ,
page ,
Paper ,
Perfect ,
Pi ,
Pin ,
Pl ,
Post ,
r ,
Ra ,
Rat ,
Recycle ,
Recycled ,
Reference ,
Rf ,
Right ,
Robot ,
Rt ,
Ru ,
Runner ,
s ,
says ,
Sign ,
signs ,
Sin ,
SK91705 ,
Small ,
Spa ,
space ,
Ss ,
Strong ,
Style ,
t ,
Tag ,
Ted ,
Tent ,
Ter ,
this ,
Tp ,
Tron ,
u ,
Unique Floral Designs ,
v ,
Vinyl ,
Vinyl Corners ,
Wate ,
Water ,
Watercolor ,
Watercolors ,
Wd ,
Wde ,
Wit ,
Work ,
Work Spaces ,
Ww ,
Yc ,
year ,
Year Calendar