Hold a Vincent Van Gogh in Your Hands
Oct 16th, 2021 by Aldouspi

Van Gogh was a financial failure in his artistic life. And he ended his life too soon. Perhaps that was due to poor health, mental and otherwise, from the consumption of too much absinthe and cadmium yellow paint. Or, perhaps, seeing the world as Vincent Van Gogh portrayed in his paintings was too much for one mind to deal with. No matter, today Van Gogh is probably the most reproduced artist ever.

Of course, if you wanted to own an original painting by Vincent Van Gogh – it would likely cost you million of dollars to buy. Thankfully, we can all affordably own Van Gogh’s art through reproductions and finding his images on different objects.

Because Vincent is one of my favorite artists, I have spent a lot of my commercial endeavors bringing his artwork to the marketplace.

So how would you like to hold a Van Gogh in your hands? You can, for example….

Mug For Sale

This ceramic coffee mug features 15 Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh

I created the above meme to advertise this Sunflower Mug I designed. If you are interested in owning one, you can find it here: Sunflower Mug.

Here is another mug I designed featuring a self-portrait of this master artist:

You can find this mug for sale here: Vincent Van Gogh Portrait Mug.

One of things I discovered in looking at hundreds of Van Gogh’s paintings (he painted nearly a thousand) was that he loved to paint trees. I decided to put a book together to feature what I thought was some of the best example of his tree work. I was also inspired to write poems about 17 of his best painting which I put into a book along with other poems and a Sherlock Holmes story. Here are the front covers of both books, Just click on the images which will take you to Amazon where you can read more about each book.


And finally, I have made available many of his paintings as 8.5 by 11 inch photo prints. You can find all the Vincent Van Gogh Photo Prints I publish here on eBay: Van Gogh Photo Prints.

Here is an example of what is offered:

Glass of Absinthe by Vincent Van Gogh


Stars over the River Rhone by Vincent Van Gogh

Artist Gets Bored Does Self-Portrait Pin-up by Kassidy Quinn
Oct 18th, 2015 by Aldouspi

Got bored and started messing with pictures, it reminds me of a scanner darkly 🙂


    Self Portrait Art For Sale

    [phpbay]self portrait art, 15, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]fine art nude, 6, “”, “”[/phpbay]

News About Self Portraits

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Author: kassidyquinn
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