Picture of the Day: Skyline Silhouette of Chicago
Jul 2nd, 2013 by Aldouspi




Chicago From the Treetops

Photograph by Tom Gill


In this beautiful capture by Tom Gill, we see a silhouette of the Chicago skyline as seen from the top of a tall dune at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.

The national lakeshore runs for nearly 25 miles (40 km) along the southern shore of Lake Michigan, from Griffith, Indiana, on the west to Michigan City, Indiana on the east. The park contains approximately 15,000 acres (6,100 ha).

Chicago, a city in the U.S. state of Illinois, is the third most populous city in the United States.



picture of the day button Picture of the Day: Skyline Silhouette of Chicago




Disney Trading Pins – Hidden Mickey Collection
Mar 3rd, 2012 by Aldouspi

Disney Trading Pins – Hidden Mickey Collection

Hidden Mickey Pin

by neoliminal under CC BY  with wpseopix.com
Mickey Pin


Hidden Mickey Disney Pins have become very popular with pin collectors, since their introduction in 2006. These pins originally started out as part of the WDW Cast Lanyard Collection that quickly gained momentum and interest among Disney fans. Eventually the WDW Cast Lanyard Collection was renamed the Hidden Mickey Collection.

Disney trading pins have been very popular with Disney collectors for many years. In 2002, Disney started releasing the WDW Cast Lanyard Collection which consisted of pins that featured Disney attractions, characters, and more Disney icons on them.

The original release of the first set of pins was to encourage pin trading within the Disney community. After the huge success of the first released set, Disney decided to release a set of new pins every year.

After having two successful releases, the designers at Disney decided to put a new twist on the pins by adding a special Disney touch to them. They started placing silhouettes of Mickey Mouse on the third set of pins in the WDW Cast Lanyard Collection. Not only were the Hidden Mickey Disney Pins a huge success, but they started to get more people into pin collecting.

There is a certain excitement when looking closely at a pin and finding the hidden silhouette or a shadow of Mickey Mouse somewhere within the pin. Sometimes the whole image of Mickey Mouse will appear on the pin, while other times it will be just a part of his body or the infamous Mickey Mouse ears and the only way to know is to look at the pins yourself.

Disney releases a collection of these great pins once a year – in a set of approximately 75 pins each. The rising popularity of these pins has had fans rushing to the Disney parks, Disney hotels, and scrambling online to find them. No matter where you get them or what pin you get at first, Hidden Mickey Disney Pins will make a great addition to any Disney collection you may have.

Juan Legaspi loves to trade Hidden Mickey Trading Pins and runs the website devoted to Disney trading pins called The Disney Pins Blog where he talks about Disney pin lots. —-

Article Source:  http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juan_Legaspi

Hidden Mickey Pins For Sale

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