Osprey Swoops in to Catch Trout in Super Slow Motion
Jun 23rd, 2016 by Aldouspi



Catching the fish is only half the battle. Flying out of the water with it is a whole different story.

Every detail is revealed in this incredible footage filmed at 800 frames per second. These shots took a week to capture as the osprey had to dive in exactly the same spot that the camera was trained on.

You can learn more from the BBC’s Highlands – Scotland’s Wild Heart here. Narrated by Ewan McGregor.


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Slow Art Biannale 2014 – Featured Artist: Baffi
Sep 21st, 2014 by Aldouspi

As part of the current Slow Art Biannale (through Sep 27), artist Baffi is hosting a brooch-making workshop today in East gallery space 101. Make sure to check out her other stuffed animals and illustrations as well.

Baffi workshop

Baffi workshop 2

Baffi workshop 3

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