This Guy is Taking Balloon Art to the Next Level Aug 4th, 2014 by Aldouspi
Jason Secoda (Airheads Entertainment ) is an artist and entertainer that uses balloons as his medium. Based in Philadelphia, the artist has been making balloon art for over 15 years. On his Facebook page , he describes his philosophy:
“My philosophy on balloon art tries to shatter the ideas that balloon art is cheesy and that it’s only for kids. I’m very detail-oriented, and as a result, my work is layered and complex. During events, I often find just as many adults enthralled with my work as children are. In short, I make quality, upscale work for all types, and all ages of clientele.”
Below is a small collection of Jason’s fantastic work. To see more be sure to check out his Facebook page .
[via oPHILcial ]
Collaboration with Dennis Scott, Dylan Gilenas and Jack Mattson. Inspired by Angkor Wat in Cambodia. 15,000 balloons, over 16 ft tall and 225 sq. ft.
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2012 ,
2014 ,
42 ,
a ,
Ade ,
Ads ,
Adult ,
Adults ,
Ake ,
Aluminum ,
animal ,
Animal Sculptures ,
Ao ,
Art ,
Arti ,
Artist ,
artwork ,
Ass ,
Awe ,
awesome ,
b ,
Ball ,
Balloon ,
Balloons ,
Bas ,
been ,
Belo ,
Bes ,
Bison ,
Blank ,
blog ,
book ,
Br ,
C ,
Cal ,
Check ,
child ,
children ,
Ck ,
class ,
Client ,
Clientele ,
Collaboration ,
Collection ,
Complex ,
Cover ,
Cr ,
Credi ,
Crib ,
d ,
Desc ,
Detail ,
Dp ,
during ,
E ,
Ends ,
Enjoy ,
entertain ,
entertainment ,
Ev ,
Eve ,
even ,
events ,
Every ,
f ,
Face ,
Facebook ,
Fantastic ,
Fi ,
File ,
Find ,
Fo ,
Font ,
Fr ,
From ,
g ,
Ght ,
Gil ,
h ,
H2 ,
Heads ,
Heck ,
high ,
Hp ,
i ,
Idea ,
ideas ,
Ies ,
Ign ,
Image ,
Img ,
Incredible ,
Ing ,
inment ,
Ins ,
inspire ,
Inspired ,
Jack ,
Japan ,
Japanese ,
Japanese Art ,
John ,
Jpg ,
Just ,
k ,
kids ,
King ,
l ,
Labor ,
Large ,
Led ,
Level ,
lit ,
Loc ,
Lt ,
Ly ,
m ,
Made ,
Mage ,
making ,
many ,
Mario ,
Med ,
Medium ,
men ,
Met ,
Metal ,
more ,
Mp ,
n ,
Nbs ,
Nbsp ,
Next ,
Next Level ,
o ,
Om ,
Only ,
Ot ,
over ,
p ,
page ,
Phil ,
philosophy ,
Pi ,
Pick ,
Pics ,
Pir ,
Pixel ,
Pl ,
Post ,
Press ,
Quality ,
Quot ,
Quote ,
r ,
Ra ,
rap ,
Rat ,
Ring ,
Rt ,
s ,
Scale ,
Scot ,
Scott ,
Scribe ,
Sculpt ,
Sculptures ,
Shat ,
Short ,
Small ,
some ,
Spa ,
Ss ,
Strong ,
Style ,
t ,
Tac ,
Tail ,
Taking ,
Tall ,
Target ,
Ted ,
Ter ,
these ,
this ,
Thr ,
Tp ,
Tron ,
Twi ,
Twist ,
Type ,
u ,
Uo ,
Ups ,
Uses ,
v ,
very ,
Wis ,
Wit ,
wordpress ,
Work ,
Ww ,
year ,
Years A Cabin so Small it Doesn’t Even Require a Permit Dec 20th, 2013 by Aldouspi
In 2010, Finnish designer Robin Falck wanted to build a place he could call his own. While hiking in the woods he found a beautiful location for a cabin. With mandatory military service coming up in less than a year, he knew he didn’t have time to build anything substantial that would require a permit. In Finland, you are allowed to build a small dwelling without a permit if it’s less than 96 – 128 square feet (depending on the location).
After designing the building during the winter months, Robin set out in June to build his cabin using as much locally sourced and recycled material as he could find. All building materials were carried in by hand and it took him two weeks to build. Falck estimates the cost somewhere around $ 10,500 (not including his own labour).
Robin says the angle and size of the window gives the interior a lot of natural light and that you can even see the stars at night! On the first floor is a lounge area with micro-kitchen while the 2nd story loft is for sleeping and storage. He named his humble abode Nido , which is Italian for ‘birds nest’.
[treehugge r via Ignant ]
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