Stuck in a Hair Rut?
May 7th, 2013 by Aldouspi

You know that moment, when you look into the mirror and realize you have had the same hair colour and style for the last two years, and you have a sudden urge to change. You’re bored and you feel like doing something crazy and different? This is where I am right now! I have been here before, and usually end up still going to the hairdressers, and somehow still walk out the door with the same style and colour..

Well not this time!! This time I am going to jump off the ledge and try to acheive something I have been dying to try for the longest time…unicorn hair!! Now what exactly is unicorn hair you may ask? Well to me it is a pin up dream, pastel perfection that means you can see every curl and victory roll in fine detail even in photos, and from a distance!! Much like blonde hair, but with just a bit more crazy, girly, rainbow fabulousness. 

Now I have been researching pastel hair for quite some time and there are so many options, one colour, many colours, pale pastel, deep paste; the list goes on. I think for myself, I am going to go with one colour to start with as in the picture below with pale purple, from there I’m going to see how I like it, and if it fits I will progress to something a bit more “my little pony” and go with  a few different colours.

Unicorn Hair

If you are going to try this beware! Pastel hair is not for the faint hearted and I would strongly recommend getting a professional to do it at least the first time! It takes a lot of up keep, and dry shampoo is going to become your best friend! But with that being said, I can’t wait to start, and will be updating my progress, and will also do some hair tutorials and product reviews for you guys!!!

P.s  I just want to apologize for not having blogged in a while; I have recently moved interstate, and am finally re-settled

P.p.s If you are going to buy any beauty product this week, make it a BB cream, this stuff is absolutely fabulous, and makes for such a fantastic base!!! I would recommend both the Loreal, and the Garnier creams.

Much love xo

Kalina Karouselle

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