Snow Pin-up by Kei Phillips
Apr 8th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Snow Pin-up by Kei Phillips

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Snow White Pinup | Entertainment Blogs

Snow White Pinup. March 29, 2011 | Author admin. [via.] EPICponyz. You can also visit for Blog Kent. Posted in Epicponyz | Tags: Pinup, snow., White. Leave a Reply. Click here to cancel reply. Name (required) …

Publish Date: 03/29/2011 13:09

25 Beautiful PinUp Illustrations | Smashing Universe

We are experiencing a resurgence in pinup art these days. Perhaps because more and more people are loving vintage fashion. Perhaps because Dita Von Teese has made burlesque classy. While seedy places and indulgent fun still come to mind when we think of these girls, it’s no longer that big of a taboo. This means […] … 21. Snow White Pin Up

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Skull as a Tattoo Means What?
Nov 20th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Skull as a Tattoo Means What?

Skulls are all over the place now. You can see them in scarves, clothes and even on shoes. If before skulls are a taboo to wear; now you can do it. However, skull tattoos are still quite not that accepted. Why? People have this misconception that skulls represent death. However, people should not be scared of skull tattoos . It is the new millennium already and people should just stop being superstitious about it. Actually, skull is used in many different political agendas.

There are many meanings behind the skull and it is not all about death, danger and fear. Skulls can represent someone who just died. You can have a tattoo with the name of that person then you can have a skull along side with it. Most people do this kind of design to remember someone who died that they love the most. This is the positive side to tattoos with skull designs.

Sometimes it is just all about people wanting to get inspired with that someone who passed away or to simply remember them. But for those of you who have no idea, skulls were actually of a different representation back in the history. Before, skulls were not about death. The skull is a representation of a change. It is a big change in fact because these people are starting anew and the skull is just a representation of their past life and the bad person they once were. This is also the case for some people who have overcome danger. Skull tattoos represent overcoming death and danger. It symbolizes strength and power. Click Here to find High Quality Tattoo Designs Online

In history too, skulls were a symbol of triumph over a battle. Some people still believe that now and they use skulls to represent a success in life. Other meaning of skulls for other people is different. Normally, people who use skulls as their tattoos want to represent power and want to somehow people to perceive them as tough. It is somehow a sign of protection. There are many meanings, representations and symbols to skulls. This is also the reason why there are several tattoo skull designs.

For girls, they want cute skulls that are not too grunge and scary. Normally, girls want skulls with colors like pink and red. Some couples also have like a “his and hers” skull tattoos. The girl will have the good skull and the guys will have the bad skull. It is really up to the person what skull tattoo he or she wants.

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