Custom Ethnic Luggage Tags
Jan 23rd, 2014 by Aldouspi

I have recently created another series of custom drawings for the luggage tag shop owner on Etsy . If you follow my blog publications you might remember that I and my team members have already made luggage tag images for this client (see vintage fashion luggage tags and sports and hobbies luggage tags). Since then I’ve made friends with Anna – the Funny Luggage Tags shop owner and one of my best clients. I really enjoy working for her because she is both a good person and a Russian-speaking citizen of the United States. And since I am also a native Russian speaker I have a special attitude to this customer.

Speaking about nationalities, I should mention that the new series of luggage tags addresses various ethnic groups of buyers such as Asians, Latinos and African Americans. It’s a wise move for someone selling things in the USA. After all the United States of America is a melting pot of different cultures, ethnicities, religions and races. Therefore any individual approach to buyers who are proud of their ethnicity can always be beneficial. So here are the images:

Asian woman luggage tag drawing
Drawing for ethnic luggage tags targeted at Asian women

Ethnic luggage tag for Asian women

Ethnic luggage tag for African American women
Drawing for ethnic luggage tags targeted at African American women

African American luggage tag

Ethnic luggage tag for Latin American women
Drawing for ethnic luggage tags targeted at Latin American women

Latin American luggage tag

Latino luggage tag for women

Igor Lukyanov – Graphic Artist | Illustrator | Portraitist

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