Erotic Art of India Aug 3rd, 2010 by Aldouspi
Erotic Art of India
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Ww Robert Crumb Hot Women Singers Jun 1st, 2010 by Aldouspi
Compiled By R. CRUMB From a collection of Rare 78 RPM Records. This CD features cover art and a booklet illustrated by Robert Crumb. Released in 2003.
For cartoonist and music-lover Robert Crumb, the best music was created between 1925 and 1935. What he likes so much about songs from this decade is their adherence to a culture of live music, free from any modern commercial forces, but he also could not do without several gems from the 1940s and 1950s.
Crumb now proves his love for this music in a selection of songs from women singers from southern countries all over the world – Greece, Turkey, Africa, India, Mexico, Italy, Spain, and many more. Women whose passionate voices make you think of torrid desert landscapes or tropical islands. Women singing of pain, of love, of their circumstances and cultures.
As an ardent collector of old 78 RPM records, as a virtuoso guitar-, banjo- and ukulele-player, as a co-musician on and publisher of various records and CDs, Robert Crumb is one of the most knowledgeable experts on this musical era that has been largely forgotten. And, of course, it goes without saying that this CD is most wonderfully designed and illustrated by the famous artist himself.
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78 Rpm Records ,
Amazon Women ,
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Robert Crumb ,
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Southern Countries ,
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Tropical Islands ,
Virtuoso Guitar ,
Women Singers ,
Women Women