Miranda from Amarelo Manga Plus Miranda Pin-ups
Dec 20th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Miranda from Amarelo Manga Plus Miranda Pin-ups

MIranda  from Amarelo Manga includes pants, ruffled shirt, collar and belt.
My hair/hat is from  Secrets . Scripted to resize  with 9 color options as well as matte or shiny texture.
Credits for Jewerly:  Bracelet from U&R Dogs.  Necklace from Alienbear.

SL Fashion Files

Miranda Pin-up For Sale

[phpbay]Miranda Pinup, 19, “”, “boobs”[/phpbay]

Miranda from Amarelo Manga Plus Miranda Pin-ups related articles from the blogosphere…

Pin-up girls for the 21st century

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Miranda Kerr is our leather pinup. We went crazy over Miranda Kerr's leather skirt (not in a creepy way) we're simply in awe of how she can rock this tricky leather trend, keeping to classy and casual-ish without a hint of Soho.

Nina Senicar PinUp in Bikini, Miranda Kerr e Adriana Lima in Lingerie


Nina Senicar PinUp in Bikini, Miranda Kerr e Adriana Lima in Lingerie. 2 ottobre 2011 scritto da Viola Lascia un Commento. Sapevate che Nina Senicar ha una sua linea di costumi da bagno? Nina Senicar. Ve ne avevamo parlato anche qui,

Safety Pin Jewelry: A trend on the upswing
Dec 6th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Safety Pin Jewelry

Safety Pin Jewelry: A trend to watch

Safety pin jewelries are very simple, easy and fun to create. Safety pin jewelries are also very trendy because people not only enjoy creating their own art, but as a result, they get a cheap, yet beautiful jewelry.

Safety pins are available in different patterns for different purposes, including safety pin jewelry. Some safety pins have the shape of animals, flowers, angels and others. Safety pins are also available in different designs like: retro, feather charms, winter patterns, Christmas tree, Halloween, power beads, valentine, transportation, butterfly, light holders, etc.

Safety pin jewelry can be created in the form of a bracelet, necklace, earrings, head accessories or whatever your creativity leads you to. Funky coil bracelet, heart charm pins, flag pins, trefoil pins are popular pin jewelries among young girls.

Safety pin jewelry is also a wonderful gift to give your friends. You can buy one or even create customized pin jewelries and present them to friends on birthdays or any other special occasion. Safety pin jewelries are available in various patterns and colors to please different styles, from teens to young ladies and old women.

You can create a safety pin bracelet on your own. All you need is a bunch of beads and pins and let your creativity flow. You can get some tips on how to create safety pin jewelry on the internet or join an art craft group.

Once you learn how to design safety pin jewelries, you will be able to make fashionable accessories that look like real jewelry. Creating safety pin jewelries can be a hobby or even a way to make money. You can create a whole set with different options and sell them among friends or even present them on street fairs, for instance.

Pin History

In the prehistoric times, people used thorns as pins. The concept of pin manufacturing came very late in our history. During medieval times, Egyptians crafted pins from bronze. The clothes of European people during those ancient days were adorned with pins that were made from bone, ivory, silver and gold. It was a prestigious moment for them to adorn their outfit with pins. The pins were very decorative and trendy.

In the eighteenth century, Adam Smith started manufacturing pins and they became more popular. Over the time this industry grew and the use of pins became common. The origin of the safety pin started in 14th century, but it was reinvented and patented by American inventor Walter Hunt in 1849.

>Emily David acts as a consultant for Folch, who are the largest pin manufacturer and provides map pins, needles and pins ,safety pins —- Article from articlesbase.com

[phpbay]Safety Pin Jewelry, 15, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Safety Pin Jewelry: A trend on the upswing related articles from the blogosphere…

Safety pin jewelry tutorials – The Beading Gem's Journal

Safety Pin Bling Part 1 of 2. The humble safety pin is indispensable. I don’t know about you but I carry one in my purse in case I lose a button or a hem comes undone. Fibulae (singular : fibula) and penannular ancient brooches are the …

Publish Date: 10/27/2010 4:00


Safety pin jewelry and body art – The Beading Gem's Journal

Safety Pin Bling Part 2 of 2. Safety pin jewelry for men. Safety pins in jewelry designs are not a new idea. Think Tom Binns and you’ll know what I mean. But safety pins by themselves and geared for just men turned up in a spectacular …

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Ileana Makri Safety Pin 18-karat rose gold pendant « Jewelry Trends

Ileana Makri Women Jewelry. Ileana Makri Safety Pin 18-karat white gold diamond ring Ileana Makri ring has a designer-stamped detail at interior. 18-karat white gold safety pin ring with 0.25-karat black diamond embellishment. …

Publish Date: 11/15/2010 19:19


Jewelry Making With Household Items : How to Make Safety Pin Jewelry

Making safety pin jewelry involves opening up the pin, unbending the loop at one end and reshaping the wire to be more curved. String together an anklet made of safety pins with a demonstration by a professional jewelry artist in this free video on m…

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