Tribal Skull Tattoos are Now The Most Sought After Designs
Dec 1st, 2010 by Aldouspi

Tribal Skull Tattoos are Now The Most Sought After Designs

Tribal skull tattoo designs have various meanings and if you plan on getting this tattoo then you should familiarize yourself with them. This atttoo normally reflects your way of life and your emotions. Normally skull tattoos mean death or relate to the dead. But there can be other meanings as well. The conception of death is very complicated in itself. It can be related to the spiritualiity world also. Death can also be perceived as a transformation or the biggest change in life.

Tribal skull tattoos can be used to reflect the philosophy that death comes to all and it shouldn’t be feared. Death is not the only meaning. Tribal skull tattoo designs can also be associated with dangerous activities, the thrill for adventure, etc. It can also be inked as a way to show others your wild and crazy side. Many men use it as a sign of masculinity or to scare others. Women can also sport tribal skull tattoos to reveal their fearlessness.

Tribal Skull Tattoo Designs

As is the case with any tattoo, the tribal skull tattoo designs depend upon your vision and creativity. The thick line of tribal tattoos helps greatly in producing the style of the tribal skull design. You can put a skull tattoo anywhere you want to on your body. This tattoo looks great on shoulder, back or arms. Many folks like to get the skull and crossbones tattoo. You can also tell the tattoo artist to make an evil skull drawing with a banner on the skull that carries your name. There is so much you can do.

You can also include other design elements such as flames. Flames can be drawn around the skull. You can also add color to your tattoo. To make your skull look even better, add nice thick darker colored strokes around the skull. If you don’t want your skull tattoo to look very scary, you could combine it with a flower tattoo. If you want a scary or evil-looking skull tattoo, you could add horns to the skull or show a snake rolled around the skull. If you want something detailed, you could get the grim reaper skeleton skull tattoo. Another interesting thought would be to get simply a part of skull tattooed and show flames all around it. You can also make two swords underneath the skull. Theres so many ways to make a tribal skull look scarey or more feminine. You can darken the eye sockets. You can also use skull tattoo as a part of a bigger tattoo.

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Examining Tribal Tattoo Designs
Jul 19th, 2009 by Aldouspi

Permanent tattoos have been a symbol of many events, expressions and often a memorial of loved ones. Tribal tattoo designs are often applied so the world can see how the wearer sees the events going on around him or her, whether it be positive or negative. All in all, these markings were and still are the most important cultural markings in the world today.

In most cases, tribal tattoos refer to special events and highlights in the life of the individual, such as the coming of age and the moment when they are married. Generally, men are those who are decorated or awarded with such emblematic distinctions. Nonetheless, there are some tribal tattoos that are applied to women when they bare children as well as when they reach their own age of passing.

To this day, in remote regions of the world where groups of people are considered members of tribes, they still use the primitive methods of tattooing. The modern day tattoos mimic the way it was done years ago, to a certain extent.

In the tribes in those remote areas, these tattoos are applied using one or both of two ways. One way is to pinch the skin until it breaks, and then not allowing the wound to heal. This creates a scar that is noticeable by not only the tribe that the individual belongs to, but also to the other tribes in the region. In the other processes, a corrosive material is used to dye the skin.

In each case, the wounds, whether created as a result of the pinching or cutting of the skin or the application of corrosive substances (usually poisons that are found in animals in the wilderness), are not allowed to properly heal until scar tissue has been formed. Generally, such tribes have heavy pigmented skin, making the scarring that they produce bulky and noticeable.

Once the scarring has been successfully created, then the individual will have the opportunity to decorate the scarred tissue with vegetable and animal derived colors, usually applied and worn during specific celebrations according to the particular religious ritual that each tribe has.

Unlike popular belief, the tribal tattoos are often not permanent. For example, Hindu brides wear a decoration on their hands and feet during the festivities of a wedding. It is said that the brides should cover every inch of skin on their hands and feet in elaborate designs. It is a custom that brings good luck and fortune to the couple being married. It also symbolizes that the bride is to do no household chores during the time she is wearing the colorful designs.

Nowadays, the markings are used as they were in the past. They indicate the tribe and the individual’s standing in the tribe. It help individual to be distinguished as belonging to one from one tribe as to the next, separating small tribes from each other.

An example of the way this ancient tribal process is used in today is the marks of many inmates getting tattoos that represent particular groups inside prisons.

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