Trollkin Calendar for 2013 by Kiri Østergaard Leonard
Artist Kiri Østergaard Leonard is hard at work on a Trollkin calendar…
I am tentatively announcing my calendar for 2013. I am not certain if I can make it in time, but I am certainly going to try!
The format will be somewhat different from my Fairy Pin Up Calendar. Rather than doing a final rendered piece for each month, this calendar will feature a mixture of both finished pieces but also pages of sketches and tidbits of folklore stories.
A postcard pack of the first three troll illustrations can be seen below…
Wicked Fairytale
Trollkin Calendar for 2013 by Kiri Østergaard Leonard related articles… Are you someone who likes to paint there own Troll kin figurines? You are not alone, check out what is being done on this website:
Travelling the Immaterium: Trollkin Hero and Stone Scribe Chronicler 9/5/12
Two more units complete for my Trollbloods, this time the Trollkin Hero and the Stone Scribe Chronicler. This army is really starting to come along now and at some point in the near future I will have to put up a group shot off all …
Here is a house for a Trollkin – nice place to stay if you like dragons… See it on this website: Year of the Dungeon: Egar and the Trollkin 8/21/12
Egar and the Trollkin . A peaceful-seeming home, but full of surprises. Labels: house, lair, microdungeon. posted by tony dowler at 9:59 AM. 1 Comments: Blogger Brendan said… Grr! August 21, 2012 10:34 AM …
Here is a beautiful model of a Steel Bull ready to pull a war wagon in the world of Trollkins. See it at this forum:
Steel Bull (Trollkin Warwagon) 8/23/12
Steel Bull (Trollkin Warwagon)JMR 08-23-2012. I just stumbled upon these models. They are part of the Privateer Press Trollkin faction where they pull a Warwagon into battle. I have seen pictures of the Warwagon before, but never really …
And speaking of Trollkin War wagons, you can learn how to build on on this site: Gonders' Miniature Painting: How to build a Trollkin Warwagon. 8/6/12
How to build a Trollkin Warwagon. To continue the articles about the Horde Troll army I built and painted for the WPS Club Challenge this year, here is a guide to how I assembled the largest and most impressive model, so I …
Trollkin Related Items For Sale [phpbay]Trollkin, 19, “”, “”[/phpbay]
Airbrush 101 | War Wagon | Hordes | Privateer Press | Dice Down | RHQ-TV Episode 94
This week’s Dice Down features another airbrush 101 session with Andrew Galea painting up the new Trollkin War Wagon from Privateer Press. Another great opportunity for all your airbrush and general painting enthusiasts out there to pick up some valu…