Skull Base Surgery In India At Affordable Low Cost- Skull Base Surgery Sep 23rd, 2011 by Aldouspi
Skull Base Surgery In India At Affordable Low Cost- Skull Base Surgery
Skull Base Surgery In India
Skull base refers to the area of the skull where the brain rests. Skull base surgery, sometimes called cranial base surgery, involves removing tumors. Contained within the skull base are the eye orbits, ear canals, two carotid arteries, two vertebral arteries, 12 cranial nerves and the blood drainage system of the brain. These many intricate structures make the skull base one of the most complex areas on which to operate.
Two kinds of disorders may make skull-base surgery necessary for patient. The first, vascular lesions include aneurysms, malformations of the veins and arteries, and fistulas. The second are benign and malignant tumors.
Skull-base surgery involves operating within one of three regions of the skull: the anterior, middle or posterior fossa. Neurosurgeons who work within these areas must approach each in a very specific way with regard to the size and type of lesion to be removed…..
A high-power microscope with a stable, anti-vibratory base mount is important for proper visualization of vital structures. A high powered drill with a wide assortment of burrs is essential, as it is critically important to be able to navigate around each nerve and blood vessel. Delicate microsurgical instruments in a wide variety of sizes and angles, such as hooks, scoops, scissors, and probes, are required. These permit atraumatic microdissection of the tumor off the vital structures……
We at We Care Health Services, India have a different approach towards medical tourism as opposed to our counterparts abroad. Our medical tourism process starts with suggesting, brokering and referring the patient to the selected hospital and doctor but does not end there. We have direct first name relationship with all the major doctors and surgeons in our partner hospitals in India. We actually service the patients while they are in India for the surgery / treatment. Our team of Clinical Coordinators and Patient Care Managers meet the patient daily, coordinate clinically and non clinically with the hospital doctors and staff to ensure smooth and trouble less care to the patients and their attendants…..
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The surgery and medical treatments offered by We Care Health Services at JCI Accredited / ISO Certified Hospitals are vast and varied; ranging from Heart Surgery in India, Cardiology to Cardio Thoracic surgery, Total Knee / Hip / Ankle / Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery in India including ACL reconstruction Surgery to Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India , Spine Surgery in India like Discectomy / Laminectomy Surgery, Cervical Decompression to Anterior / Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in India, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cancer surgery, Sterotactic Radiotherapy, Autologous / Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery to Breast Cancer treatments, Near relative Kidney Transplant Surgery to Dialysis and Kidney Biopsy, Low Cost Liver Transplants Surgery, Hysterectomy (Vaginal / Abdominal) to Ovarian Cystectomy, Hernia repair Surgery to Cholecystectomy, Advanced Neurosurgery in India, Bariatric surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery in India, Eye Surgery in India, Cornea Transplant, Cataract Surgery to LASIK Eye care Surgery, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donor to Surrogacy, Minimally Invasive surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery to Cochlear Implants, Breast Lift / Tummy Tuck, Face Lift to Low Cost Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery, multi specialty Hospitals in India offering first world treatments with board certified highly qualified medical consultants in attendance at third world prices..
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Vital Structures Acoustic Neuroma and Skull Base Surgery Information Mar 21st, 2011 by Aldouspi
Acoustic Neuroma and Skull Base Surgery Information
Skull Base Surgery
Skull base refers to the area of the skull where the brain rests. Skull base surgery, sometimes called cranial base surgery, involves removing tumors. Contained within the skull base are the eye orbits, ear canals, two carotid arteries, two vertebral arteries, 12 cranial nerves and the blood drainage system of the brain. These many intricate structures make the skull base one of the most complex areas on which to operate.
Two kinds of disorders may make skull-base surgery necessary for patient. The first, vascular lesions include aneurysms, malformations of the veins and arteries, and fistulas. The second are benign and malignant tumors.
Skull-base surgery involves operating within one of three regions of the skull: the anterior, middle or posterior fossa. Neurosurgeons who work within these areas must approach each in a very specific way with regard to the size and type of lesion to be removed. Because of the delicate nature of this type of surgery, patients may be in the operating suite from six to as many as 15 hours or more. With this technique, preoperative images of the patient’s skull base and the tumor are obtained using computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
These images then help to guide the surgeon during surgery, acting as a type of navigation tool and confirming the patient’s anatomy and the precise location and extent of the tumor.
A high-power microscope with a stable, anti-vibratory base mount is important for proper visualization of vital structures. A high powered drill with a wide assortment of burrs is essential, as it is critically important to be able to navigate around each nerve and blood vessel. Delicate microsurgical instruments in a wide variety of sizes and angles, such as hooks, scoops, scissors, and probes, are required. These permit atraumatic microdissection of the tumor off the vital structures.
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“We have a very simple business model that keeps you as the centre.”
Having the industry’s most elaborate and exclusive Patient Care and Clinical Coordination teams stationed at each partner hospital, we provide you the smoothest and seamless care ever imagined. With a ratio of one Patient Care Manager to five patients our patient care standards are unmatched across the sub continent.
Welcome to World Class Treatment and Surgery by We Care Health Services, India.
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The surgery and medical treatments offered by We Care Health Services at JCI Accredited / ISO Certified Hospitals are vast and varied; ranging from Heart Surgery in India, Cardiology to Cardio Thoracic surgery, Total Knee / Hip / Ankle / Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery in India including ACL reconstruction Surgery to Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India , Spine Surgery in India like Discectomy / Laminectomy Surgery, Cervical Decompression to Anterior / Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in India, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cancer surgery, Sterotactic Radiotherapy, Autologous / Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery to Breast Cancer treatments, Near relative Kidney Transplant Surgery to Dialysis and Kidney Biopsy, Low Cost Liver Transplants Surgery, Hysterectomy (Vaginal / Abdominal) to Ovarian Cystectomy, Hernia repair Surgery to Cholecystectomy, Advanced Neurosurgery in India, Bariatric surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery in India, Eye Surgery in India, Cornea Transplant, Cataract Surgery to LASIK Eye care Surgery, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donor to Surrogacy, Minimally Invasive surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery to Cochlear Implants, Breast Lift / Tummy Tuck, Face Lift to Low Cost Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery, multi specialty Hospitals in India offering first world treatments with board certified highly qualified medical consultants in attendance at third world prices..
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