The revolutionary nature of Impressionism emerged from anarchism and political radicalism, from a belief in science and individualism, creating a view of art true to modern life and to immediate visual perception. The author illuminates the thinking and personal lives of the Impressionists, including Pissarro, Monet and Renoir.
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Impressionism: Origins, Practice, Reception (World of Art) related articles from the blogosphere…
Impressionism and Art | Lottery Checker
Impressionism was an important artistic movement, first in painting and later on in music, that developed mainly in France during the late 19th and early 20th.
Publish Date: 09/09/2011 18:56
Impressionism & Modern Art in Brittany, Monet, Gauguin & Picasso …
Brittany inspired myriad impressionist and modern artists, enthused by superb scenery, Celtic heritage and attractive Breton costumes and traditions.
Publish Date: 04/24/2010 8:47–modern-art-in-brittany-monet-gauguin–picasso-a229361
OTP – Day 236: Sidewalk Impressionism : On Taking Pictures
Photographer Bill Wadman's blog about photography and surrounding issues. The creator of writes about everything from subject to shoot, from post-production to printing. He also posts plenty of new work …
Publish Date: 09/03/2011 20:59
Impressionism / Post-Impressionism Lecture
Overview lecture on Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
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