Turtle Watercolors For Sale
Jan 6th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Turtle Watercolors For Sale

[phpbay]Turtle Watercolor, 22, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Watercolor Animal Paintings

Animal watercolor paintings, ranging from frogs and turtles to zebras and giraffes, by award winning Connecticut artist Sharon Farber. Music by Ed Smith.

Turtle Watercolors For Sale related articles from the blogosphere…

Bunny's Artwork: Green Sea Turtle #2 Watercolor Painting


Green Sea Turtle #2 watercolor painting – 7 x 10 inches on Arches 140 lb paper – is another Wet Canvas image from host Li. One of our excursions while on our Disney Cruise was to St. Maarten and included a trip on a

Sea Turtle Watercolor « Beth Parker's Art Blog


“Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” –Mark Twain. Sea Turtle – 6″ x 8″ Watercolor. I had a great time painting

Art by Sus: SEA TURTLEWatercolor..


SEA TURTLEWatercolor.. Can you believe it???? I finally got another picture worthy of posting.. My husband, Bill, asked me to paint this turtle, half unwillingly I tried my best. He has more confidence in my painting than I.

Late B(l)oomer – Painted Turtles Monotype

http://sherry-latebloomer.blogspot.com/Dec 30, 2011

Painted Turtles Monotype. 4×6 inches, monotype with added watercolor. Today I did get into the studio, and ended up not painting this pair of painted turtles the way I thought I would. So I improvised and used a ratty piece of Yupo that I saved after I washed off an an unsuccessful watercolor.

The Watercolors of Winslow Homer
Aug 25th, 2011 by Aldouspi

The Watercolors of Winslow Homer

Winslow Homer’s watercolors rank among the greatest pictorial legacies of this country.Winslow Homer’s primary medium was oil painting, although to make ends meet, he did commercial illustration and chronicled the New York City social scene. Eventually, Homer withdrew from city life altogether to settle at Prout’s Neck in New England. There he turned to watercolor, in part for financial reasons (they were easier to sell), but also because the newly popular medium enabled him to capture his impre

List Price: $ 39.95

Price: $ 23.99

Winslow Homer Watercolors For Sale

[phpbay]Winslow Homer Watercolor, 14, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Winslow Homer Watercolor related articles from the blogosphere…

Art Now and Then: Winslow Homer

If one were to list the top ten American artist of all time, at or near the top of that list would have to appear the name of Y. Winslow Homer. (The "Y" stood for Yankee.) Born in 1836, he grew up in New England. After finishing high school , Until Homer adopted it, watercolor had been largely the medium of color sketches–preparatory studies for studio landscapes rather than a medium for finished work. Although a few English artist had used it for

Publish Date: 08/01/2011 21:01


Watercolor Painting Styles: What's Yours? | Reboot Album

One of Winslow Homer's best known watercolors is “Breezing Up” (first titled, “A Fair Wind”) It was said in 1876, when this picture was exhibited, that it was in a class of its own. As one review put it, “Its sincerity

Publish Date: 08/23/2011 7:40



Inspired by Winslow Homer's watercolors, Wyeth painted an impressionistic watercolor, Coot Hunter, (1933), shown below, in which he experimented with the “fleeting effects of light and movement”.

Publish Date: 08/24/2011 2:40


Winslow Homer – Four Views of Nature

Winslow Homer (1836-1910) remained in the history of American art by his depictions of the wild nature of Maine: its ocean shore, its lakes and rivers surrounded by endless woods. His heroes are fishermen and hunters, and women and children waiting f…

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