Unusual White Reindeer Photographed in Mala, Sweden
Oct 6th, 2016 by Aldouspi

It is common to think about reindeer during the Christmas Holidays. Beyond pulling a sleigh for Santa, many reindeer herds can be found in Northern Europe – particularly Sweden and Finland.

Of course, we might expect to see a reindeer with a shiny red nose, but to find this large mammal all in white is truly unusual…

And although, I cannot detect any pink in the deer’s eyes, in this photo, I do not think that this is an adaptation to winter conditions. Most likely this is an albino male reindeer who has white fur all year round.

white albino reindeer Sweden Picture of the Day: Rare White Reindeer Spotted in Mala, Sweden

Photograph via nlsoy on reddit

A rare white reindeer was recently spotted near Mala, Sweden. The photo was shared last month on reddit by user nlsoy, but not much additional information was provided and a reverse image search did not provide any further clues.

Either way this reindeer looks amazing and I would love to see a photo of one in the winter snow! If you have any additional info, please let us know in the comments!


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