Your Questions About Robert Crumb Jun 26th, 2011 by Aldouspi
Maria asks…
Why is Robert Crumb considered a “real” artist?? I am doing a paper for my school, and the topic asks why Robert Crumb is now considered a “real” artist. And why are most other comic book writers today considered hacks and no talents??
Thanks, any sources would be especially helpful
Pin-up answers: First, I need to say that most comic book artists are not hacks, there are many great talents…
To answer your question, Robert Crumb didn’t just copy someone else’s idea or style, as a hack would do.
Instead he made his art his own, taking his personal view and thoughts of the world and creating a unique style of art. His ability to draw, create characters and stories – humor and pathos, and hotness is amazing – we are privileged. And this came about because he is passionate about his work, and dedicated his life to honing his craft and art.
It’s not that other comic book artists of his generation are untalented, many are real artists, too. It’s just that his style was just more appreciated, more likable, or just more appealing than other artists. His audience went from the underground to mainstream – he is good. Obviously I like his work, thus biased, but many agree he is most definitely talented.
Artists who outlet all their emotions ( and intellect) through their work are going to be appreciated…
Lizzie asks…
What can you tell me about Robert Crumb born today 1943? All I know is he is / would be celebrating his 66th birthday and Yahoo seems to think he is an author.
Pin-up answers: He is a rare breed. A cartoonist in the Hogarth mode. One of the few USA satirists! He has published many books of his artistic work as well magazines, etc.
Helen asks…
What do you think about Robert Crumb ? Any Crumb fans ? Did you crack up after watching his autobiographical documentary ?
Pin-up answers: I love good film biographies of artists from Rembrandt to Georgia O’Keefe to Robert Crumb. I enjoyed the mainstream film about his life and wished I owned more of his work. Thankfully, he is well published.
Laura asks…
Who Is Your Favorite Robert Crumb Cartoon Character? I’ll go with “Mr. Natural.”
What is your favorite?
Pin-up answers: I like Mr. Natural and Flakey Foont, Fritz the cat was great, Zap Comix were classics! But how about a cheer for Robert Crumb’s representations of himself…
Carol asks…
How much is ‘The Life and Death of Fritz the Cat’ by Robert Crumb worth? I’m looking to buy it as a present, but I don’t want to get ripped off. Thanks.
Pin-up answers: There is a hardcover version coming out soon (from today’s date) which is around $20 on Amazon
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Zap Comix Robert Crumb, Zap and Underground Comix May 4th, 2010 by Aldouspi
Does anyone besides me, remember Underground Comix?
One of the reasons for the blog is to keep alive great art by great artists – even if they weren’t exactly pin-up artists… Zap Comix is probably the most famous of the Underground Comix which featured a lot of work of Robert Crumb. But other comix included: “Slow Death,” “Godnose,” “TrashMan,” “Captain Guts,” and “Clown Conspiracy Comics.”
These featured artists like Gilbert Shelton, Spain Rodriguez, and S. Clay Wilson. Amongst my favorite characters were the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, Mr. Natural, the Checkered Demon, Fat Freddy's Cat! And I would be remiss if I did not mention Vaughan Bode’s Cheech Wizard
Mr. Natural Comics 1970 Video
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