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A Burlesque Delight: Twinkel Pink
June 12th, 2013 by Aldouspi

Twinkel PinkWell hello there lovelies!

I just thought I would post a quickie (Oh I say!) and introduce myself…. So here goes…

My not so secret identity is that of Twinkel Pink, and I’m a cheesecake style burlesque performer from the glamorous lands of Birmingham, England. As a performer whether it be dancing or hosting I love nothing more than taking to the stage to have the audience in fits of glittery giggles. Watch out for the twinkle in my eye and that cheeky grin – the strongest of men have fallen for less or so I’ve been told… 

Life is like a a carry on film when I’m around (oh behave) so it’s no wonder I’ve been described as a modern Barbara Windsor with a bit of tigger mixed in for good measure (a tag line I’ m very proud of and hope to continue for years to come) – yes I intend to grow old very, very disgracefully!

Hopefully you might have guessed by now that cheesecake (well any sort of cake really…hmmmm caaaake) is my thing and I hope to enlighten you on the world of what has been, what there is out there for you to blush at, and what the future holds for this very British genre of burlesque…

Until the next time Cutie 
Glittery hugs 
Twink xx

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