Renowned as a world authority on faerie lore, Brian Froud began his working career as a graphic designer. Eventually, he teamed up with Jim Henson (of the Muppets) to work as the conceptual designer for Henson’s then upcoming film, THE DARK CRYSTAL.

He continued this position with the Jim Henson Company in the film LABYRINTH as well as JIM HENSON’S STORYTELLER series.
Besides working with the Jim Henson Company, Brian also provided conceptual work on several other projects including Tolkien’s THE FATHER CHRISTMAS LETTERS (not released) and the animated film LITTLE NEMO- ADVENTURES IN SLUMBERLAND.
Still his current artistic fame comes from his many paintings and illustrations of faeries and of faeryland… An artist of great vision, Froud has won numerous awards, including the Hugo Award for Best Original Artwork.
While not exactly pin-ups, the beautiful figures he creates are worth hanging on any wall! Take a moment and enter the otherworld of fantasy art: fairies, trolls, goblins and more…
Brian Froud Art For Sale
[phpbay]Brian Froud, 7, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]fairy art, 8, “”, “”[/phpbay]