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Heavy Metal Pin-up Art For Sale
February 23rd, 2010 by Aldouspi

Hey, check out these Heavy Metal Pin-up auctions:

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Heavy Metal is the number one adult science fiction fantasy magazine..

Heavy Metal Pin-up Art related articles from the blogosphere…

Bianca by Gina King, the Queen of Pinup Art | Bianca Beauchamp

I’m a featured artist on the Heavy Metal magazine website. Several art shows and unique commisions…and while doing all of this, I somehow managed to maintain a 4.0 GPA for a year straight. It’s been a great couple of years! – From pinup

Publish Date: 05/25/2010 9:12

DC's: Galerie Dennis Cooper presents … Richard Hawkins

‘Richard Hawkins is the kind of artist the art system finds hard to assimilate. In an expanding art world what’s expected of artists is a stylistic consistency (or, in the wider world, ‘brand recognition’) that can be at odds with the … On it Hawkins has paper-clipped images culled from Heavy Metal magazines of the prettier ‘poodle-rockers’ of the time: Slaughter (1991), for example, features Blas Elias, the drummer in the band Slaughter, and Trixter (1991) the lead …

Publish Date: 09/16/2010 0:59

Profile: Getting into Character with Cartoonist George Coghill

His goal growing up was to work for MAD Magazine or to create heavy metal album covers. He credits the former for his early inspiration to draw. He says he still is shy to a certain degree, but has learned to hide it better. … I try to draw the devil girl and pinup girls in a way that’s appealing to both men and women.” He then goes on to say that the key to drawing pinup girls is “exaggeration.” I didn’t ask him to elaborate on that, of course. chessrepublic_BS …

Publish Date: 08/28/2010 5:00

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