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The Joker Quotes Donald Trump via Mark Hamill
January 28th, 2017 by Aldouspi

For those who don’t know:

The Joker is a murderous arch-villain who has killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people in Gotham City, in truly horrible ways. Of course, The Joker only exists in comic books like “Batman” and other DC Comics titles. His crimes are “fantasy.”

Donald Trump is a narcissistic con man who has lied his way into the Presidency of the United States. While his current death toll is small as we are just one week into his being President, the economic toll and deaths due to his action are predicted to be enormous, even if major wars do not break out because of him. He is unfortunately, too real.

Mark Hamill is a lovable scamp known to many as Luke Skywalker and as the voice of The Joker in various Batman cartoons.

Of the three, I would love to meet Mark Hamill – that would be a treat. Meeting The Joker would be scary and dangerous unless he thought I was Jim Gordon or Bruce Wayne or Selena Kyle. I never want to meet Donald Trump – for he scares me more than The Joker.

Below the artwork and tweet references is a video where you can hear Mark Hamill doing the voice of The Joker quoting Donald Trump’s 2017 New Year’s Eve message to the citizens of the United States.

mark hamill reads donald trump tweet in jokers voice Just Mark Hamill Reading Donald Trumps Tweets as the Joker


On December 31st, President-elect Donald J. Trump sent the following Happy New Year message on Twitter:


The tweet immediately went viral, garnering a gamut of reactions; like this one from writer and actor Matt Oswalt:


That quip also went viral, so Luke Skywalker aka Mark Hamill happily obliged, reading Trump’s now (in)famous tweet in his best Joker voice. Et voilà:


The Internet remains undefeated

[via Slate, The Verge] –

    The Joker & Mark Hamill Art Related Items For Sale

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News About Trump Tweets

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