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Heavy Metal (Collector’s Edition)
May 24th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Heavy Metal (Collector’s Edition)

HEAVY METAL – DVD MovieAs long as there is a need for adolescent male sexual fantasy, there will be an audience for Heavy Metal. Released in 1981 and based on stories from the graphic magazine of the same name (possibly the greatest publication to simultaneously provoke imagination and masturbation), the film has since become the most popular single title in Columbia/TriStar’s entire film library. That’s an amazing fact considering just how silly and senseless the movie really is–an aimless, j

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3 Responses  
  • Christopher A. Richards "kohntarkosz" writes:
    May 24th, 20117:08 pmat
    176 of 185 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Classic animation, with a hard rockin soundtrack, October 4, 2003
    Christopher A. Richards “kohntarkosz” (Somewhere Over The Rainbow) –

    This review is from: Heavy Metal (Collector’s Edition) (DVD)

    I can’t believe the number of negative reviews this movie has gotten! I bet these people don’t like James Bond movies, either.

    To fully appreciate Heavy Metal, one has to understand the era it came out in. At the time, most animation, at least what was seen in the US, was frequently of the “family entertainment” variety seen in Saturday morning cartoons and TV commercials. Apart from Ralph Bakshi, most animators were basically shackled by the need to present something that was “rated G”. Heavy Metal took the exact opposite route. It was a liberating experience for the animators working on the film to be allowed to draw things they usually weren’t allowed. And they got paid to do it, too!

    After the opening Soft Landing sequence, we’re introduced to the Loc-Nar, a glowing green orb responsible for all the evil that has plagued the universe (or at least, that which has plagued the human race). The various stories contained in the film are told by the Loc-Nar to a young girl, as examples of it’s awesome power.

    The stories include the film noir homage Harry Canyon, the male “wish fulfillment fantasy” of Den (which demonstrates the versatility of the late John Candy, who voices both Dan, the science nerd who gets transported into an alternate dimension by the Loc-Nar, as well as Den, the Conan/He-Man-esque beefcake that he is magically transformed into), the highly amusing Captain Sternn (trivia: the voice of the prosecutor is done by John Vernon, the actor who portrayed Dean Wormer in Animal House), the EC-esque B-17 (aka Gremlins, which went through so many script revisions, it’s a miracle it got finished at all), the bizarrely hilarious So Beautiful And So Dangerous (ok, maybe there’s some truth to the juvenilia charges during this segment, but only a corpse could keep from laughing at this piece), and revenge scenario of Taarna (imagine a tougher, sexier version of Xena, only about a decade and a half earlier).

    While there IS some element of juvenilia here, it’s no worse than any other movie that’s been released by any major studio during the last 25 years. In fact, I bet it’s a little more cerebral than most of those other movies. Harry Canyon is a rather crafted film noir homage, while some elements of Taarna are clearly patterned on Sergio Leone’s spaghetti westerns. And while there are a couple sex scenes and a certain amount of excessive violince in Heavy Metal, again, it’s nothing compared to some of the garbage that’s shown on cable TV these days. I’d certainly rather watch this than Basic Instinct or No Way Out.

    This movie is a classic piece of animation. Yeah, some of it’s rough around the edges, but that has a lot to do with Columbia’s decision to move up the deadline so they could have the original movie out in time for the summer 81 season. One has to consider the scope of the undertaking, and the relatively short time that was at hand to create it.

    Look at the “travelling sequence” during Taarna, where she’s shown riding her mount (a sort of large bird creature) over a rolling landscape, and consider that it was done WITHOUT the use of any kind of computer generated work. It’s explained in the audio commentary on the rough cut of the film, as well as during the documentary how it was done, and why it didn’t quite turn out as planned). No one had ever done anything like that, and it had to all be done by hand.

    Really, you can’t take this movie too seriously. It’s a movie that exists soley to entertain. There’s no big message or point to the movie. Just put the DVD in the player, turn out the lights, turn up the volume LOUD, and just enjoy the trip.

    It should be noted, that this disc also contains some of the best bonus features I’ve seen on any DVD. Besides the regular movie, you get a full length “rough cut” of the film, consisting of storyboards, pencil tests, and some completed animation. The only audio for this rough cut (besides the optional audio commentary, by Carl Macek, who also does a completely different commentary for the finished movie) is the dialog. There’s long stretches of silence, but it’s worth watching, as there’s lots of bits of dialog that were cut from the final movie (we learn, for instance, that Katharine, like Den, was also transformed when she was transported to this mysterious alternate universe). It’s also interesting to note that the stories weren’t always in the order that they were in the final movie.

    There’s also a half hour documentary with interviews from many of the filmmakers involved in making the film. We finally find out why we see a model of a house blowing up at the end (because they didn’t have time to finish the animation for that one bit), and also why Cornelius Cole’s Neverwhere Land was cut from the movie (either for reasons of length/continuity, or because Cole didn’t finish it in time, depending on exactly which version of the story you wish to believe.

    You also get a…

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  • M. J KILLEEN writes:
    May 24th, 20118:03 pmat
    27 of 27 people found the following review helpful:
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    The DVD greatly improves upon the original movie, February 5, 2000
    M. J KILLEEN (Collingdale, PA USA) –

    This review is from: Heavy Metal (Collector’s Edition) (DVD)

    This is one of those great DVDs with so many Special Features, you could spend days viewing them all. Most interesting is a feature-length ‘rough cut’ of the entire film with running commentary throughout. The rough-cut — a combination of rough pencil animation and rare sketches — even contains some deleted scenes. Best of all, there is a Heavy Metal Magazine cover (and back cover) gallery. In addition to being a nice showcase for some beautiful artwork, this section will really bring back memories for anyone who grew up with the magazine in the late 70s and 80s. Of course, the film itself never looked or sounded better than on DVD. The film itself was a nice attempt at capturing the spirit of the magazine — it isn’t a complete success, but a very noble effort in animation considering it was released in 1981!

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  • Michael R Gates writes:
    May 24th, 20118:28 pmat
    63 of 70 people found the following review helpful:
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Cult Classic HEAVY METAL Not a Clunker, June 28, 2004
    Michael R Gates (Nampa, ID United States) –

    This review is from: Heavy Metal (Collector’s Edition) (DVD)

    Some critics and film historians have labeled 1981’s HEAVY METAL as the last film to genuinely reflect the mishmash sensibilities of the post-hippy 1970s counter-culture, and stylistically and thematically this appears to be true. Based on the adult counter-culture cult comic of the same name, HEAVY METAL definitely is a sort of spacey concatenation of disparate visual aesthetics and heterogeneous science-fiction/fantasy narratives. But despite being a hodgepodge as a whole, the film still manages to offer a very entertaining way to kill 90 minutes.

    As with the magazine, the film is basically aimed at horny male adolescents, offering plenty of nude, amply bosomed women running around in the midst of stylized violence and gore; lots of rock music (though these ditties from popular metal bands of the late ’70s may not appeal to the current generation of horny male adolescents); and references to the drug-oriented sub-culture (definitely not a cartoon for the pre-teen crowd). Each individual segment of HEAVY METAL was scripted and directed independently of the others, which likely accounts for the varying aesthetic and narrative styles. But many of these contributors were (and are now) some of the most talented people in the film industry, including writers Dan O’Bannon, Len Blum, and Daniel Goldberg, and directors John Bruno, John Halas, and Jimmy T. Murikami. (Gerald Potterton, listed in the credits as the film’s director, was in reality the overseer for the project as a whole.)

    Because the film does not contain a single cohesive plotline, it is best to evaluate each animated segment in its own right. Some of those individual stories are quite thought-provoking or humorous–or both–and even some of the more mediocre segments still offer some fantastic visuals. One of the most intellectually interesting is a story called DEN, in which a young bespectacled geek is transported into a parallel universe and transformed into a handsome, muscled barbarian hero. After falling in love with a curvaceous maiden, he helps her save her people from their draconian Caligula-like dictator. B-17 is probably the most earnest segment, though there seems to be no intrinsic logic to the sparse narrative. In it, the dead crewmembers of a WWII bomber plane are inexplicably resurrected as flesh-eating zombies, subsequently seeking to make a meal of the plane’s still-living pilot. Visually, however, this segment is quite stunning, evoking the deliciously gruesome artistic style of the old E.C. comics of the ’50s and early ’60s. And in the funniest segment–entitled SO BEAUTIFUL, SO DANGEROUS–a gorgeous Pentagon secretary is inadvertently sucked into an alien spaceship that resembles a huge smiley face. After confronting the spaced-out druggie crewmembers, she ultimately becomes the lover of the ship’s robot and decides to remain aboard.

    After its initial release, HEAVY METAL attained a cult following of sorts and became a favorite of the midnight-movie crowd. Unfortunately, its release to the home-video market was delayed for years due to disputes over copyrights for some of the rock songs used in the soundtrack. Because of this, poorly produced bootlegged copies of the flick were illegally sold (usually at Sci-fi cons) and swapped among fans, and the inferior video quality contributed to the film’s unfair reputation for being a mediocre film. But the music disputes were eventually resolved somehow, and the film became commercially available to the home market in the mid 1990s and regained its popularity as a cool cartoon. (Some statistics indicate that it is the most popular film in the Columbia/Tristar home-video catalog.)

    Columbia/Tristar’s Special-Edition DVD of HEAVY METAL offers a beautiful digital transfer of the film and soundtrack, along with some really cool bounus material. For animation fans, one of the best of the bonus features is a fascinating feature-length pencil-test version of the film (with optional commentary). Columbia/Tristar also offers a version of the HEAVY METAL in their SuperBit collection, but as with their other SuperBit films, the disc space required for the higher bit rate precludes the inclusion of any bonus material. Unless the buyer has a high-definition TV and can appreciate the increased picture quality of the SuperBit disc, the Special-Edition version is the way to go. Either way, HEAVY METAL offers enough entertainment value to make it a worthy addition to the DVD collection of any SF or animation fan.

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