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The Great American Pin-Up (English, German and French Edition)
October 20th, 2010 by Aldouspi

The Great American Pin-Up (English, German and French Edition)

This illustrated text tells the story of the American pin-up as a genre as utterly American as the paintings of Edward Hopper. It describes the genre’s origins and development, showcasing the most important artists.

Rating: (out of 23 reviews)

List Price: $ 4.00

Price: $ 30.00

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5 Responses  
  • writes:
    October 20th, 20103:13 pmat

    Review by for The Great American Pin-Up (English, German and French Edition)
    At last, the history of an art form seen by millions around the world during this century, but little documented. The biographies are concise and the illustrations give a good representation of each artists’ work. The German printing is outstanding with excellent clarity and colour rendition. In order to make this a better guide and reference work, I would suggest these improvements for the next edition. First, a title or caption, and date, for each picture. This places a work in context with others and would illustrate the fun associated with pinup art. Secondly, the biographies should be in one alphabetical order. An artist, and examples of his or her work, would be easier to find. Additional books, magazine articles and collections, such as that of Alberto Vargas at the University of Kansas, need to be mentioned. Lastly, inclusion of relevant Internet sites and publishers would provide additional sources of information for collectors, art students and others. Although not perfect from an informational standpoint, this book is a real attraction to the eye and senses and well worth the purchase price.

  • Anonymous writes:
    October 20th, 20104:13 pmat

    Review by for The Great American Pin-Up (English, German and French Edition)
    I thoroughly enjoyed “The Great American Pin-Up” because there is finally a book that documents the history of pin-up artwork. The images are brilliant and beautiful and the brief histories of the artist provide a look into their work. The only thing i’d change about this would be to add the titles of the individual peices of art. Other than that, the book was wonderfully written and composed.

  • B. V. Dam writes:
    October 20th, 20104:59 pmat

    Review by B. V. Dam for The Great American Pin-Up (English, German and French Edition)
    This is one of the finest collections of pin-up art from the talented artists that brought these beautiful women to life. These were very risque for their time but they were a true celebration of women. This is the kind of open mindedness and genuine appreciation missing from today’s society. Women are wonderful, intelligent, beautiful people and life would be a tragedy without them. There…I said it!

  • J. D Suggs writes:
    October 20th, 20105:22 pmat

    Review by J. D Suggs for The Great American Pin-Up (English, German and French Edition)
    This is an excellent overview of the genre, on an artist-by-artist basis, from the classic era of the mid-twentieth century. All of the artists here are deserving of recognition, though only a handful of them are truly well-known and adequately documented in print elsewhere. All of the many artists here are well-represented; the reproduction is flawless, and the commentary is intelligent and well-researched. The original edition is my point of reference here, so I can’t vouch for this one fully, but it appears to have maintained the integrity of the earlier printing and is a very handsome production as well.

  • Anonymous writes:
    October 20th, 20105:42 pmat

    Review by for The Great American Pin-Up (English, German and French Edition)
    I simply want to echo all of the positive reviews of this book. It is a visual feast; highly informative; and a wonderful value. As one reviewer previously noted, the book’s only major shortcoming is the lack of picture titles.By virtue of being so comprehensive, this book provides an excellent starting point for assessing the importance of pinup art in our country’s recent history. No matter what you might think about the moral implications of its racier subject matter or its value as “serious” art, you cannot deny the stunning achievement of the artists represented in this volume. Almost without exception, the women depicted in this volume are endearing, sexy and spunky. The author and the publisher are to be commended for bringing this unprecedented volume to print.

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