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How To Be a Pinup Model! ~ Complete Video Guide on DVD ~
January 18th, 2011 by Aldouspi

CLICK ~HERE~ FOR PURCHASE INFORMATION — How To Be A Pinup Model is a TWO-HOUR, complete video guide covering vintage hair styles, glamour makeup, posing for photography, sexy body language and more. How to achieve the alluring vintage pinup girl look, taught by two professional pinup models. Full of details such as techniques of setting curls (different angles and configurations of rollers result in different looks); curl styling to echo the image of your favorite pinup icon or retro movie star; creating your own unique modern style with a retro twist. Perfect gift for yourself or a friend…can also be the centerpiece for a “girls’ night in” party. HOW TO BE A PINUP MODEL will be released later this month (May, 2010), and can be pre-ordered directly from World Dance New York through these links: Preorder/USA: Preorder/Worldwide: Discounts apply when you buy two or more DVDs at the World Dance New York website: (US) and http (for purchasers outside the US). Enter “burlesque” or “exotic dance” in the search field on our home page to see more DVDs about achieving sexy-but-sweet looks – and learning all the moves!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses  
  • shelbina08 writes:
    January 18th, 201110:38 amat

    Omg! Were did she get that red nail polish????

  • batmanlooksgood writes:
    January 18th, 201111:00 amat

    Very nice. Im thinking about having a friend whos a natural red be a vintage pinup for some photos 🙂

  • klassy40sgal writes:
    January 18th, 201111:45 amat

    Can anyone tell me the name of the nail polish Ms. May is wearing in the video?

  • xlamprini writes:
    January 18th, 201112:40 pmat

    i wish i could be a pinup model..i am a size 10 and i get never lower than that 🙁
    what does someone exactly have to do to become a pinup girl?

  • edibllepernowfatfree writes:
    January 18th, 20111:20 pmat

    @xAllie88x I’m sure u could pull this off, Marilyn Monroe was a 14, she was fit & knew the perfect balance between soft & tight. In other words she didn’t hav under arm “boob” in a strapless dress. lol In truth “Go Go Amy” looks like she needs 2 Go Go back 2 the strip club, maybe u could take’er place. She’s 2 old, 2 skinny, her proportions r not attractive in typical pinup style & she did a horrible job on the eyes. I could c gaps of skin color near the lashes & the lines were bumpy Eww much?

  • deamondoll writes:
    January 18th, 20111:34 pmat

    That was very interesting to watch:)

  • jfrederick71 writes:
    January 18th, 20112:12 pmat

    @brettsboo69 they give you a website.. I live in VT too 🙂

  • BRETTSBOO69 writes:
    January 18th, 20112:40 pmat

    I so want this video!! have no idea where to buy it though. I have went to every store that I can think of in the mall to buy it and its a big no!! I live in Vermont so if anyone has any ideas would you please let me know!!

  • hanniefatal writes:
    January 18th, 20113:10 pmat

    This video owns!!

  • DCNov writes:
    January 18th, 20114:07 pmat

    If your interested in becoming a model write me. I’ll send you a link to a great company that has helped tons get hired .

  • LochnessMonsterx writes:
    January 18th, 20114:20 pmat

    I’m gonna be a pinup model for Halloween 🙂

  • MrSarfrazathens writes:
    January 18th, 20115:10 pmat


  • bejayoharen writes:
    January 18th, 20115:51 pmat

    These two amazing gals taught my Band’s singer how to do makeup, hair, etc.
    Molly Does Not Approve

  • isobelfaure writes:
    January 18th, 20115:53 pmat

    any of you tested Rimmels new range of products? there good quality i constantly purchase more! did you know u can get complimentary cosmetics samples through “GratismakeupSamples”. i recently got my samples on 06/09/2010.

  • Victorian9322 writes:
    January 18th, 20116:47 pmat

    @xAllie88x Size 12 is awesome! I wish I were a size 12!

  • beautifuldreamer77 writes:
    January 18th, 20117:29 pmat

    Oh my goodness….just adorable!..thank you.

  • jitterbug10392 writes:
    January 18th, 20118:14 pmat

    Is she wearing the Bernie Dexter Sweetheart dress?

  • OriginalOrangeeyes writes:
    January 18th, 20119:14 pmat

    I am dying to be a pin up model….but I have such a small top =(

  • compulsiveadlh writes:
    January 18th, 20119:57 pmat

    You happen to be relatively gorgeous, thanks a lot for your tutorial. it can be sad i’m located in West Farmington simply because i can’t get quality make-up, on the other hand i find zero cost cosmetics samples from ‘Gratis Makeup Samples’. i really like Rimmel makeup!

  • beccaotaku writes:
    January 18th, 201110:47 pmat

    Do U think it’s possible 2 be both a pin-up & a fashion model?

  • StudioEast writes:
    January 18th, 201111:16 pmat

    @xAllie88x The classic pinup looks are certainly about the curves – you have a curvy figure, good for you! It’s also about looking healthy and radiant, so being active and staying fit (nothing to do with dress sizes) is always a good idea – it’s important that YOU are happy with the way you look. Happy & radiant = sexy!

  • patrolmanmlapko writes:
    January 18th, 201111:34 pmat

    good tips and hints, thanks 4 sharin, have anybody tried Maybellines newest range of products?? its hard to obtain quality makeup in Millstadt yet i managed to receive some great samples from ‘Gratis Makeup Samples’, theyre ace.

  • xAllie88x writes:
    January 18th, 201111:51 pmat

    do you need to be a certain dress size for this kind of modelling? I am a siz 12-14, i cant really physically get lower than a 12…i have tried it before and made myself very ill. i understand this look is more about curves than being really slim though? I am really keen to acheive this kind of look, do i need to lose weight, or just tone up?

  • ablutionteriig writes:
    January 19th, 201112:39 amat

    gorgeous suggestions, nice one, anyone used Rimmel’s most recent product line?? it is not easy to obtain make-up in South Renovo yet you can recieve brilliant samples of make-up from “Gratis-Makeup-Samples”! they’re handy.

  • compulsiveadlh writes:
    January 19th, 20111:21 amat

    remarkable helpful hints! thanks, any of you tested L’Oreals new product line? it’s quite hard to find cosmetics in Delta yet you can get awesome samples of make-up by going to “GratisMakeupSamples”, there ace!

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