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Your Questions About Pin-up Artists
July 7th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Jenny asks…

what was the pin up artists name who did all of the girl next door pictures?

What was the pin up artists name who did all of the girl next door pictures?

Pin-up answers:

You ar probably thinking of pin-up artist Gil Elvgren who did many pinups of women in normal situation – such as the “Girl Next Door.” He also did a lot of good work for Coca Cola…

Donald asks…

Who are some of the best pin up girl artists from the 1920s-1960s?

I’m not talking about the people from today who try to draw things that look vintage, I am talking about artists from the past.

Also, do guys (and girls) find tattoos unpleasant on women?

Pin-up answers:

Really too many to try to list – I have a whole website here dedicated to this subject… For a taste here are a few names to consider:

Alberto Vargas is, perhaps, one of the most well known pin-up artist.
Boris Vallejo
Gil Elvgren
Vaughn Alden Bass
Charles Gibson
George Petty, originator of the “Petty Girl”
Fritz Willis
Earl Moran

Here is a web site with more names:

Regarding tattoos – there is a lot of art expressed in tattoos and I admire both art and the human body… Today, it seems that most young people (people 30 something on down to young people – teenagers) either have tattoos, piercings or both. So that sorta of answers that question.

Actually, I am a little old fashioned – I like my art on the wall…. And it should be noted that that without covering makeup, a tattoo will disqualify a model from many jobs (exception Suicide Girls Models – but name any advertiser who uses these models in a national advertising campaign.)

Sandra asks…

good tattoo pin up tattoo artists?

Im looking for someone around the ACT or NSW who is good at pin up or traditional tattoos. if anyone knows of some good artists and or shops that would be cool. I’m a fan of traveling around to places I can get to to get tattooed and yeah i’d like to find the right person to do this. Even if someone has some pics of tats they got?

Pin-up answers:

I don’t recognize those acronyms, but since you said you like to travel I thought I’d mention. In the US, Joe Capobianco is really famous for pin-up work. He’s in Connecticut.

Also, you could try this website and search the portfolios of tattoo artists in the pin up category.

Ken asks…

Any good artists who did pin up paintings?

Pin-up answers:

If your looking for vintage pin-ups, try Joyce Ballantyne, Alberto Vargas, Peter Driben, and Gil Elvgren. Again, really too many to list, but I will mention one more name: Olivia de Berardinis

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Pin-up Artists

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