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Attack On The Pin-Up Boys Part 2
September 19th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Kmovie Attack On The Pin-Up Boys starring Super Junior
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 Responses  
  • chochang510 writes:
    September 19th, 201110:36 amat

    OMG THERE’S A NAVER SIGN!!!! THEY USE NAVER!!!! XD *coughs* uhm, yeah… i know that…

  • Aura2009 writes:
    September 19th, 201111:28 amat

    I hope it’s Siwon. Poor Wookie. :< Lol at Heechul. And Kangin's awesome. The panda is supposed to be Ryeowook, since Teukie was in the accident with Kyu. I won't spoil the ending though. :3

  • iP0CKY1 writes:
    September 19th, 201112:08 pmat

    @Penguinny97 03:23 He’s the one on the left of siwon. He’s wearing glasses. c:

  • Penguinny97 writes:
    September 19th, 201112:32 pmat

    which one is ryeowook?

  • iJadey012 writes:
    September 19th, 201112:54 pmat

    LOL Ryeowook!!!

  • jiahui02 writes:
    September 19th, 20111:40 pmat

    @newmoonshewolf09 shinhwa-perfect man 🙂

  • LurvsMusic10 writes:
    September 19th, 20112:13 pmat


  • newmoonshewolf09 writes:
    September 19th, 20112:13 pmat

    could someone also tell me the song @ 8:20

  • newmoonshewolf09 writes:
    September 19th, 20112:34 pmat

    can somebody please tell me the song @ 5:50 !! 🙂

  • KawaiiAznChck writes:
    September 19th, 20112:45 pmat

    Lol Ryeowook is hilarious. Gotta love him -3

  • NekoWithAttitude writes:
    September 19th, 20112:49 pmat

    @MelissaRM19 But of course! <3

  • Stormhawkslover11 writes:
    September 19th, 20113:36 pmat

    Siwon…. is kinda scary…. but he can cast lightning 0.0 hahahahahhaaa XD

  • hushyakhya writes:
    September 19th, 20114:12 pmat

    i looove when Donghae says “WHOOAA!” at 02:45

  • tisab16 writes:
    September 19th, 20114:31 pmat

    @meiskann It was Leeteuk 😛 <3 we see it in wonder boy MV

  • eLchocoluver writes:
    September 19th, 20114:35 pmat

    OMG!twookie!!?!!!hahaha LOL..
    i don’t recognize you at first!!

  • ThatAsianChickXD writes:
    September 19th, 20114:56 pmat

    OMG! those sounds in the beginning!! O.O *dirty thoughts…..must….stop* kekeke, oooh Yesung ;3

  • sijufy writes:
    September 19th, 20115:22 pmat

    omg! The film is hilerious! I can’t stop laughing ;DDDD

  • IceGurlHere writes:
    September 19th, 20115:32 pmat

    I know my comment is weird but ……..The Boss Garam’s name was mentioned as one of the schools! LOL

  • krztpc writes:
    September 19th, 20116:03 pmat

    Lol at 02:27. Donghae so silly :))

  • ethelcastino writes:
    September 19th, 20116:19 pmat

    DONGHAE AND KIBUM must be the TARGET! they’re handsome too!!!!!!!!!! ^__^

  • 1202Neela writes:
    September 19th, 20117:08 pmat

    LMFAOO opposite of wookiies character
    LOL usual Heechul
    LOVE the pandaXD( i know its wookie the whole movie..and leeteuk in the end ) but stil TEUKKIEE <3
    dayum they got the characters properlly XD
    me love Eunhae the most XD
    Siwon always reminds me of Lee Min Ho
    LOL Shin dong
    Ki bum is a sexxie dude in this <33

  • Livy42 writes:
    September 19th, 20117:28 pmat

    omg Heechul <3

  • Anjufluffy writes:
    September 19th, 20117:44 pmat

    I want to know the song’s name starting from 5:50 please! 😀

  • civic5o7haha writes:
    September 19th, 20117:51 pmat

    Kibum looks sexy with those glasses XD

  • SuperJuniorForeverx3 writes:
    September 19th, 20118:48 pmat

    haha wookie!! he is so cute! i loved it when he swooshed his hair while entering

  • LaurenAlexandra711 writes:
    September 19th, 20119:40 pmat

    @cassandrasmom my guess is they get so excited they almost throw up, cuz my dog does that right before he throws up (he doesn’t do it when he’s excited tho haha)

  • bglam writes:
    September 19th, 20119:56 pmat

    Hi guys! Happy October!
    Albi, my Phoebe has a hedgehog too! It makes a cute laughing noise and it’s all dirty and stinky. I’ve been meaning to wash it…
    Maybe tomorrow. Brandi

  • shannilovely writes:
    September 19th, 201110:30 pmat

    no seatbelt! what?! tut tut tut (shaking head) lol

  • cassandrasmom writes:
    September 19th, 201110:41 pmat

    OMG….my dog does the same coughing thing…I don’t know what it is…she’s always done that…do you know what caused it?? I have a Beagle…
    Great video!!! xoxo Sara

  • bitchmasterJB writes:
    September 19th, 201111:32 pmat

    do the drive 4 life programme thing that we do in TY nd u wud neva drive lyk dat again 😛 its so scary nd sad all together
    we did it in skool last thursday i was almost cryin! :O

  • charliebfmv writes:
    September 19th, 201111:33 pmat

    OO uu guyzz crack me up especially with the guy laughing at you 🙂 You make my day hahahahah xxxxx

  • LeFloofTV writes:
    September 20th, 201112:08 amat

    @TheCompuGeeks i think those were from the Mahon Market.. but i must check out the english market ones 🙂

  • LeFloofTV writes:
    September 20th, 201112:31 amat

    @HotJonasMess thanks 🙂

  • LeFloofTV writes:
    September 20th, 201112:40 amat

    @harrypotterfan9768 Opps sorry 🙁 but thanks, its right center on the wall 🙂

  • 01fey writes:
    September 20th, 201112:52 amat

    Albi’s cute hyperventillating deserved a thumbs up! So damn cute and funny xD

  • litlesarie writes:
    September 20th, 20111:51 amat

    hey guys, just started watching ur videos, u guys r great. Thanks for making me smile

  • MsUCan2 writes:
    September 20th, 20112:02 amat

    Jonathan, wear your seatbelt!!! I hate them too but wearing one saved my life!!! Wear it, please, we would hate to lose you!!!

  • momscareer writes:
    September 20th, 20112:26 amat

    You guys are so cute together 🙂 Jonathan if you morped Justin Timberlake and Jim Carrey you would be the end result lol

  • momscareer writes:
    September 20th, 20113:03 amat

    You guys are so cute together 🙂 Jonathan if you morped Justin Timberlake and Jim Carrey you would be the end result lol

  • theliztiger1 writes:
    September 20th, 20113:12 amat

    lol my dog dose that weried nosie it means hes got somthing in his throut its nothing to worry about though lol xx:)

  • jadeeecakes writes:
    September 20th, 20113:26 amat

    Naww that is soo cute when he gets too excited! :L

  • shimmeringdiamonds00 writes:
    September 20th, 20114:21 amat

    Anna really does look beautiful in this video!

  • AsYouWishButtercup writes:
    September 20th, 20115:18 amat

    @heidiheidi0 So lets look for the right guys who will appreciate us! 😉

  • harrypotterfan9768 writes:
    September 20th, 20116:17 amat

    YAY! I sent that drawing on the orange paper (: Except I said that my name is Laura xD you didn’t have to say harrypotterfan9768 😛

  • itsmeredith writes:
    September 20th, 20116:32 amat

    LOL i looooooove how Albi got so excited by his toy he started hyperventalating. I hope he likes what I send him in a few weeks 🙂
    Shoutout to Rebecca or whatever her name was (I forgot sorry) for sending thumb tacks – great idea!!!

  • daevsi writes:
    September 20th, 20117:26 amat

    We have animal day on oktober 4 every year in The Netherlands. Do yoy have animal day in Ireland too?

  • preservid writes:
    September 20th, 20117:39 amat

    Every time you see the Lollipop lady it reminds me of this song..”Sunshine. lollipop and rainbows”…. I will throw you and anna a link to it over on face book! 🙂 It is sooo you> your new funny anthem I think!

  • HotJonasMess writes:
    September 20th, 20118:16 amat

    i love this channel

  • SarLouJayne writes:
    September 20th, 20118:35 amat

    haha Albi is so funny when he gets excited, he is so clever just like a little human.
    I want an Albi 🙂

  • ssshlow writes:
    September 20th, 20119:22 amat

    albi is going to have so many toys soon haha

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