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The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1 (The Wheel of Time)
October 9th, 2011 by Aldouspi

The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1 (The Wheel of Time)

With the full cooperation of the Jordan estate, The Eye of the World has been turned into a stunning comic book series written by Chuck Dixon and illustrated by Chase Conley. The first Robert Jordan graphic novel, New Spring: the Graphic Novel, was a New York Times bestseller.The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume One begins Robert Jordan’s epic fantasy tale by introducing Rand al’Thor and his friends Matrim and Perrin at the spring festival. Moiraine Damodred and Lan Mandragoran ap

List Price: $ 24.99

Price: $ 12.00

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3 Responses  
  • CURLYMAN writes:
    October 9th, 20112:11 pmat
    5 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Good addition to a wheel of time collection, September 16, 2011

    This review is from: The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1 (The Wheel of Time) (Hardcover)

    First off, I wish to say that I love the Wheel of Time, that said, there are a few things that I liked and disliked about this graphic novel.

    I found that the storytelling in this Eye of the World Volume 1 was far superior to that of the New Spring graphic novel. In this volume, someone with little prior knowledge of the series could figure out what was happening (which was not possible with New Spring).
    I also liked some of the artwork for certain character. For instance, I found that Egwene, Mat, Lan, Moiraine and Nynaeve had really nice character designs designs (but I found their noses changed on different pages).
    I thought that many of the scenes had some excellent forms of mood. For instance, I found the death of Lews Therin was Adequately disturbing and cool, Rand’s trudge through the forest was adequately melancholy, and the tale of Moiraine to the townspeople was well done.

    I found that the artwork for several characters was slightly disturbing and inaccurate. Many of the older people in the story looked like homeless people, with gaps in their teeth and wrinkles a mile long. I felt that the way they showed Thom when he was first seen was terrible, because he looked old and frail. I also feel that many of the pictures of Padan Fein looked more like I imagined him after he was mad then before.
    This is another thing I do not like about the artwork, I found that the scenes where saidar or saidin was present were sorely lacking. Gone are the cool pictures where each of the five elements was visible, now its just that they are using the true source (but I did like how traveling was portrayed)

    Overall, I liked this graphic novel, yet I felt that there were several inconsistencies in the artwork (which I did not mention) and some sub-par artwork that detract from the experience

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  • Meefee writes:
    October 9th, 20112:19 pmat
    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Not As Good As The Mind’s Eye — But What Is?, September 21, 2011

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1 (The Wheel of Time) (Hardcover)

    I must preface this by admitting that I am a Wheel of Time collector: Hardcovers, paperbacks, British editions, young adult editions, you name it. I even thought that The World of the Wheel of Time was great, despite the horrific character artwork. So for me to give this five stars might not be as weighty as a New York Times Book Review, but I will at least explain in my attempt to help guide people in whether or not they should spend their $ for this.

    If you’re not a Wheel of Time fan, you should pick up the “regular” book first (that would be The Eye of the World). It’s not that you’d be lost if you read this — the story is pretty easy to pick up (the graphic novel covers the first 147 pages of the paperback, plus the prologue and also the “Ravens” prologue seen in the YA edition). It’s just that I don’t think it would mean as much.

    To fans of WOT — which is probably most of you — I would say grab it, with one caveat. The characters and places will often not look as they do in your head, possibly to your lessened enjoyment. But how can they? People even disagreed with Robert Jordan on how to pronounce some character names, so how can we agree on how Rand al’Thor is supposed to look? But that’s where I got some of my enjoyment. Even though I’ve still never seen a satisfactory Trolloc, it’s worth it to see other people’s interpretations of RJ’s work, even if it might disagree with mine.

    Having said that, what about specifics? Following the basic character descriptions in the books, they get them right. They have their basic traits; of course, if they were going to do this project at all, they had *better*. Rand is tall and has red hair, Nynaeve has her braid, and Moiraine wears blue (although sometimes I have trouble telling Mat and Perrin apart). But even more: Cenn Buie looks just as old and cranky as he should, Lews Therin looks sad and demented at the same time, and I happen to think that Thom’s coat looks perfect.

    I don’t always agree with the artists’ choices. Sometimes the late-teen Egwene looks younger than her 9-year-old self, and I wish they would’ve drawn a Draghkar up close. But like I said, the mind’s eye. My housemate, a WOTfreak too, didn’t like how some of the background faces were half-drawn, but that didn’t bother me.

    There are bonus materials that might help you decide: a cover gallery that includes a full-page portrait of the 13 Forsaken (they’re not labeled, which is kind of annoying as Mesaana and Moghedien look almost identical), and bonus character sketches, including some for people not even in this book (Min, Loial), giving hope that there will be more to come.

    If nothing else, you’ll get your money’s worth if you read it, share it with another WOTmaniac, and spend awhile arguing about it.

    My rating: 5 out of 5 (and yes, I’ll buy a British edition if they slap a different cover on it)

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  • Anonymous writes:
    October 9th, 20113:05 pmat
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Loved it!, October 8, 2011
    dave “aikodude” (Moscow, PA USA) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1 (The Wheel of Time) (Hardcover)

    As a huge Wheel of Time fan, I have to tell you, I loved this. Only drawback was it was too short. If they keep producing these for the entire series, and I hope they do, I’ll be there buying them. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

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