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Mechanical Coin Banks For Sale
November 10th, 2014 by Aldouspi


Coin banks have been some of the most popular gifts for children and adults for decades. Perhaps, you can recall the joy of receiving your very own coin bank for the first time. It’s often a treasured item that instantly sparks some of people’s most precious childhood memories. Nothing like ;putting loose change into a bank that moves…

When people think of coin banks, they tend to picture a traditional ceramic piggy bank. However, there are many different materials used in manufacturing coin banks – cast iron and wood, for example.

Mechanical Coin Banks: These are the banks with moving parts that would do something every time the owner deposited a coin. A dog would bark, a baseball player would swing his bat, or a cannon would fire. These usually made use of levers and switches to set the action in motion.

I saw my first mechanical coin bank in action when I was 5 years old. A neighbor kept his trick dog bank on the fireplace mantle. He was the father of one of my first friends, and he offered us each a coin when I visited. We put the coin in the dog’s mouth, flicked the “magic” switch, and watched in delight as the dog jumped through the clown’s hoop and dropped the coin in the barrel.

I also have a cast iron, hand painted elephant coin bank. The tail and trunk move when a coin is dropped in through the colorfully painted seat on top of the elephant. Fun!

    Mechanical Coin Bank For Sale

    [phpbay]mechanical coin bank, 14, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]wood coin bank, 6, “”, “”[/phpbay] – Novelty Coin Bank: Mechanical Dog Saving Box

This cute doggy coin bank is a fun way to teach your kids to save for a rainy day! Place your coins in the doggy bowl for the hungry dog and watch! You can p…

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