A Career As A Cartoonist A cartoonist is an artist, who specializes in cartooning. The job of a cartoonist is to create comic characters and objects to put into books, manga, anime, and editorial cartoons. They participate in comic strip creation as well as animated movies. A cartoonist has a talent for sketching , caricaturing or making replica images. They love to draw, roughly in pencil first, then in ink and colors. They can put their thought on a paper at any point of time. Cartoonists work for print media, electronics and web media.
Now, to get an actual job, as a cartoonist, you’re going to need to do several things. It helps, if you’ve ever had your work published before. It doesn’t have to be anything too special, in fact it can be something as simple as a community newsletter or church newspaper. Just having this type of work will upgrade your status in the eyes of the newspaper editor and make it seem like you know what you’re doing.
It also helps to put together a portfolio.
Gather a collection of your best work in a nicely laid out binder. Bring this to an interview with a newspaper editor or wherever you applying for a cartoonist job. You’re trying to show off your very best work here, so put your highest quality material up front.
As you prepare your portfolio for your cartoonist career, write and illustrate the things that you think about and observe. Especially those things that make you laugh. And the things that make you cry. Or that make you angry. Consider your sketchbook a sort of brain dump where you unload everything you’re thinking about. It doesn’t always have to be funny at this point – that can come later in Cartoon Brainstorming sessions. The things you record don’t even have to make sense to anyone, but you (and they don’t even have to make sense to you!). They are just going to be there, waiting to spark an idea when you go back through your work.
And be sure to date the pages occasionally. That makes it nice when you go back through them over the years and can pinpoint the day when you were thinking this and that.
The start-up cost is extremely minimal. Chances are you can launch your career with stuff you already have in your house, or can easily steal from the office (just kidding). You’ll need some drawing paper and a pen. Add some large manila envelopes for mailing in submissions and a few bucks for postage, and that’s really all the investment you absolutely have to make.
If you really want to splurge, you could buy some pencils for doing up roughs, and maybe some page-sized cardboard inserts to help prevent your submission packages from getting bent up in the mail, but those luxuries should be considered optional.
Read about international study programs , and also read about portfolio of graphic designer and flash designing career .
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