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Turtle Watercolors For Sale
January 6th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Turtle Watercolors For Sale

[phpbay]Turtle Watercolor, 22, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Watercolor Animal Paintings

Animal watercolor paintings, ranging from frogs and turtles to zebras and giraffes, by award winning Connecticut artist Sharon Farber. Music by Ed Smith.

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“Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” –Mark Twain. Sea Turtle – 6″ x 8″ Watercolor. I had a great time painting

Art by Sus: SEA TURTLEWatercolor..


SEA TURTLEWatercolor.. Can you believe it???? I finally got another picture worthy of posting.. My husband, Bill, asked me to paint this turtle, half unwillingly I tried my best. He has more confidence in my painting than I.

Late B(l)oomer – Painted Turtles Monotype 30, 2011

Painted Turtles Monotype. 4×6 inches, monotype with added watercolor. Today I did get into the studio, and ended up not painting this pair of painted turtles the way I thought I would. So I improvised and used a ratty piece of Yupo that I saved after I washed off an an unsuccessful watercolor.

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3 Responses  
  • Julie Jordan Scott "Writer, Life Coach - Owne... writes:
    January 6th, 20129:59 pmat
    40 of 41 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful Story, December 19, 2003
    By A Customer
    This review is from: Old Turtle And The Broken Truth (Hardcover)

    Having never heard of or read “Old Turtle”, I am not sure WHY I was compelled to look at this book while at the book store today. Perhaps it was the awesome watercolor on the cover..? At any rate, I sat and read the entire book. I remember looking up twice to see if anyone noticed how choked up I was getting – NOT the reaction I was expecting out of myself, but then again, I wasn’t expecting to sit down and read one of the most eloquent, beautiful stories I’ve ever read. I immediately purchased it for an environmentalist/animal rights activist friend of mine, a brilliant girl with so much passion and ability to change the world, who of course I was reminded of by the little girl in the story. This book so amazingly sums up so many of the problems in our world and collective conscience, and so brilliantly pulls them all together into one fundamental flaw in our thinking, whether it’s our ignorant views towards animals, nature, or the middle-east, etc. And it offers hope. I can’t wait to give it to my friend!

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  • Shanshad "shanachie_shadowfax" writes:
    January 6th, 201210:11 pmat
    29 of 31 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Compelling Story + Elegant Watercolors:=Ageless Picture Book, March 27, 2004
    Julie Jordan Scott “Writer, Life Coach – Owne… (Bakersfield, CA United States) –

    This review is from: Old Turtle And The Broken Truth (Hardcover)

    I picked this book because I love turtles and I was intrigued about what on Earth (or anywhere, for that matter!) the Broken Truth might be….

    Through Douglas Wood’s narrative, I was taken to a land where every stone was a teacher and every breeze a language, where every lake was a mirror and every tree a ladder to the stars…..

    And then in a brief moment, the sight of the Broken Truth falling to the ground in an especially poignant watercolor by illustrator Jon Muth.

    I found the unfolding story to be told gently and with great care. As one other reader noted, it echoes so clearly many of the challenges which are inherent in humankind today.

    And then, on the other hand, I am very familiar with this place where every stone is a teacher, every breeze a language, every lake a mirror and every tree a ladder to the stars…. Very worthy read… and very worthy of sharing with children and grown children everywhere.

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  • Anonymous writes:
    January 6th, 201210:48 pmat
    15 of 16 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    The Truth is Out There!, February 23, 2005

    This review is from: Old Turtle And The Broken Truth (Hardcover)

    Once in a land faraway, a truth fell from the sky and broke in half . . . and so begins the powerful fable told in lyrical words by Douglas Wood, accompanied by the evocative watercolor art of Jon J. Muth. Compared to many picture books, this volume appears subdued and perhaps more than a little daunting for book shoppers. But you know what they say about judging a book by its cover . . .

    The story woven into these pages is straight forward enough. Mankind has got it wrong because they only have half the truth. Finding the broken truth that proclaims “You are loved” the people of this fable immediately recognize how special and precious that truth is. But, like so many things, the statement of truth becomes an issue who is loved and who is not. The story follows the progression of people as they fall further and further from the natural world and the simple truths all around them in pursuit of one half of a broken truth. Wars break out, and the world is a disillusioned, darkened place. Bring into this a young girl who sees differently, and goes on a quest to find the missing part of the truth. The conclusion isn’t exactly surprising, given the tone of the text-that mankind is missing the point and needs to stop the fear, the hate and the misunderstanding that have become common currency. It’s a good story, a powerful message, even if a bit simplistic. But it’s not necessarily going to be a picture book for younger children. The tale at times becomes overlong, and the messages and themes are very mature ones-and may go over the heads of a young audience.

    What really makes this book worthwhile, though, is the artwork. Brilliant watercolor images that are worthy of being framed and hung on the wall. Jon J. Muth subtly conveys the elegance and power of this story in his soft images alive with light and color. The pictures celebrate the connection to nature that is at the heart of the story. It was the artwork that sold me on this book, and it’s what keeps me coming back to it. However, the maturity of the text is also reflected in the art. Images are impressionistic rather than clearly illustrated and this may be challenging for young readers to understand visually. It’s not a bad idea to expose youngsters to these images, but you may want to simply discuss the pictures and what they think is happening rather than read the text.

    A child ready for THE STORY OF JUMPING MOUSE and JUST SO STORIES will probably readily enjoy this story and the young heroine’s quest to find the truth. Younger children may want to stick to retellings of AESOP’S FABLES, like The Tortoise and the Hare, or The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Then, when your child is older, this book will be waiting for them!

    Happy Reading! ^_^ Shanshad

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