Bird’s Nest Pin-up by Kei Phillips Publisher’s note: I am guessing that Kei thinks that the girl’s hair in this drawing looks like a bird’s nest, but it is sometimes hard, to tell what an artist’s thinking really is…
By the way if you are looking for real owl hats to wear, visit: – Owl Hats For Sale
Sketchy owl hat, big hair doodle.
Kei frames
Some random thoughts on Bird’s Nests Bird nests on your property – that is buildings – can cause a number of problems. One of the problems is the build-up of mold and infestation of mites. Most birds build their homes in warm areas like chimneys, wall vents and roofs. The nests can also block the proper circulation of air in your buildings, leading to the build-up of mold and carbon monoxide.
The Chinese have used the nests of White-nest Swifts and the Black-nest Swifts for hundreds of years as main ingredient in bird nest soup, also served as a sweet and also use them for medicine.
The edible bird nest is one of the premium foods among the Chinese community worldwide. Its soup is a delicacy in Chinese cuisine. It has plenty of benefits to human health. In fact, the edible nest is among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans.
Birds build their nest in various places using different styles and materials. Bird nests are unique and many birds can be identified by examining their nests. A birding enthusiasts can identify a nest belonging to a Great Creased Flycatcher as opposed to a Redheaded Woodpecker even though they both nest in tree cavities because the Great Crested Flycatcher lines its nest with shedded snake skins.
Bird nests are protected under the Wild Life Act. So do not take nest as a source for material. Remember it is also illegal to have in your possession any parts of raptures. So if you find feathers from hawks, eagles or ospreys leave them. It is okay to collect game bird feathers from quail, pheasants, ducks or turkeys, so if you find feathers from any of these birds then you may take them. Feathers can be found in most craft stores.
Ai Weiwei Interlacing a Bird's Nest « Well Designed and Built 3/10/12
Talks and Walks about Cities, Architecture and Art . Home · About … In 2003 he collaborated with celebrated worldwide architectural brand Herzog&DeMeuron for the design of the Bird's Nest , Beijing's iconic National Stadion.
ArtGlitterBlog: Radiant Bird Nest by Connie K. 3/8/12
Radiant Bird Nest by Connie K. I was so happy when Emily contacted me to be a guest designer again… For those of you who know me or have taken classes from me locally or elsewhere you know there is going to be some …
Beautiful Free High Res 1800′s Birds Nest Art @ Vintage Fangirl 2/28/12
Antique Book Plate of a Bird's Nest – Click for Printable Artwork. Want to download the high res version for free? Here's the MEGA high-res antique bird nest art at 8″ x 12″ and 300 dpi! All Free Vintage Spring Pictures and Clip Art Posts …
Bird Nest Bed by O*GE Creative Group « CubeMe 3/13/12
These giant bird's nest bed by O*GE Creative Group exist in three different sizes, with the largest version spanning 15 feet across and providing enough room for 16 people to use it at once. And instead of using it as a bed, …
Interesting Bird Nest Art For Sale [phpbay]bird nest art, 20, “”, “”[/phpbay]
Giant Bird’s Nest On Office Block
For more animal videos check out Uzoo YouTube page – An artist has built a giant bird’s nest on the side of an office block in Brussels, Belgium. Benjamin Verdonck lived in the giant art ins…