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Avengers Graphic Novels For Sale
March 22nd, 2012 by Aldouspi

Avengers Graphic Novels For Sale

Avengers: The Children’s Crusade

Avengers: The Children's Crusade

The Young Avengers return in an epic saga by series creators Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung. When Wiccan’s reality-altering powers begin to rival those of the Scarlet Witch, the young hero sets out on a quest to find her that spans the Marvel Universe and pits Wiccan against both the Avengers and the Young Avengers. But will Wiccan’s desire to solve the mystery of his parentage be his salvation or his undoing? With three words, the Scarlet Witch changed the world forever…and now with her ret

List Price: $ 34.99

Price: $ 20.00

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2 Responses  
  • R. Marisi "Mareasy" writes:
    March 22nd, 201212:27 pmat
    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Sublime Closure, March 14, 2012
    R. Marisi “Mareasy” (Argentina) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (Hardcover)

    Avengers: The Children’s Crusade deals with the proper return of the Scarlet Witch to the Marvel Universe and how the many factions of the superhero community (and villains as well) deal with this. Let’s not forget: she single-handedly disassembled the Avengers and decimated the whole mutant species. And of course, this book also brings back the Young Avengers by the same team that created them, that’s writer Allan Heinberg and illustrator Jim Cheung, who probably gives us the best work of his career in this volume. To complete the creative team, we get some additional fantastic art by Oliver Coipel (in the Uncanny X-Men #526 prologue) and Alan Davis (in the Children’s Crusade: Young Avengers special).

    This volume is absolutely relevant as it finally brings closure to what we could call the “Scarlet Witch Saga” that Brian Bendis started way back in 2004 with Avengers: Disassembled, was then expanded by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung in the Young Avengers series, and continued by Bendis in House Of M (as well as in New Avengers #26, a stand alone issue dealing with Wanda Maximoff and Hawkeye). So if you are interested in The Children’s Crusade, you should be familiarized with those stories, as this book is a culmination of them. You don’t necessarily need to read them all, but at least be well aware of what transpires in them as they are essential background.

    Now, though this book is not a crossover (thank God), it’s actually an EVENT in all the positive sense of the concept, as it assembles an enormous cast including the Avengers, New Avengers, Young Avengers, X-Men, X-Factor, Dr. Doom, Magneto, Kang The Conqueror as well as some ex-Avengers that I won’t name in order to not spoil anything. And as a good event, it unfolds in a number of revelations and actions that will carry heavy weight in the near future of the Marvel Universe, starting with the upcoming Avengers VS X-Men series.

    In conclusion: you get a very relevant, well-written and well-illustrated story collected in a book that follows the high standards of quality that Marvel uses in their hardcover line of releases, so you are getting your money’s worth.

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  • David Keith "FurNTats" writes:
    March 22nd, 201212:31 pmat
    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Instant Classic, March 14, 2012
    David Keith “FurNTats” (Indiana) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (Hardcover)

    WOW! I can’t believe how good this book was! Heinberg’s really topped himself and has come up with a touching, moving and rewarding masterpiece. Every Marvel fan must read this book. This is by far the best volume Marvel’s released in years.

    It’s important too. Marvel’s always been a bit shy about showing gay male characters, but Teddy and Billy are handled magnificently. For gay male characters in a mainsteam comic book, this is a watershed moment. As for the heart of the story regarding the Scarlet Witch, I won’t reveal any spoilers. I’ll just say, all the questions about her from the past few years are addressed and answered in a terrific adventure starring everybody from the Uncanny X-men, the New Avengers, the Young Avengers, Spider-man and a few other guest stars.

    Highly Recommended.

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