Hey, check out the Latest Charles Schulz Art Auctions: Charles Schulz created the comic strip, “Peanuts.” In my mind, the years of artwork, humor and insight produced by Schulz is an American treasure. We are all part Linus, Charlie Brown, Lucy and and Snoopy.. Of course, some of us are more “Snoopy” than others…
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Charles Schulz was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on November 26, 1922 and grew up in St. Paul. Schulz had always wanted to become a cartoonist and achieved his goal in 1947 when the St. Paul Pioneer Press began printing his comic strip … Schulz’s family followed his wishes that the strip not be continued. “To the very end, his life had been inseparable from his art . In the moment of ceasing to be a cartoonist, he ceased to be.” -David Michaelis Schulz and Peanuts: A …
Publish Date: 09/30/2010 21:00
Sparky: The Life and Art of Charles Schulz by Beverly Gherman …
Ms. Gherman does write about Mr. Schulz’s messy divorce and about his childhood insecurities that followed him into adult life, but these negative events and traits come across as endearing elements that made Charles Schulz a deeper, …
Publish Date: 08/22/2010 21:05
Hear the Music of the Peanuts Comic Strip for the First Time On …
The Charles M. Schulz Museum opened in August 2002 to fulfill its mission of preserving, displaying, and interpreting the art of Charles M. Schulz . The Museum carries out this mission through changing exhibitions and programming that …
Publish Date: 09/22/2010 19:21
AMERICAN MASTERS Good Ol’ Charles Schulz
AMERICAN MASTERS Good Ol’ Charles Schulz, premieres nationally Monday, October 29 at 9pm (ET) on Thirteen. This is a quintessentially Midwestern story of an unassuming, self-doubting man who, through expressing his unique view of the world, redefined…
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