Flower Painting in Watercolor
Sep 28th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Flower Painting in Watercolor

# Hardcover: 144 pages
# Publisher: Watson-Guptill Pubns (August 1986)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0823018490
# ISBN-13: 978-0823018499
# Product Dimensions: 12.1 x 9.2 x 0.7 inches

List Price: $ 29.95

Price: $ 47.99


Flower Paintings For Sale

[phpbay]flower painting, 21, “60435”, “”[/phpbay]

Flower Painting related articles from the blogosphere…

Acrylic Painting Lessons – Painting a Pansy flower in acrylics

As you know I am always on the lookout for excellent ideas on. Art News. Make sure you look into this piece of content and inform me your opinion. Today's find is titled Acrylic Painting Lessons – Painting a Pansy flower in

Publish Date: 09/27/2011 22:14


Japanese-Style Fan and Flower Painting | Kristyn Michele Bat

Japanese-Style Fan and Flower Painting. This is an up-close of the piece I submitted to Utrecht Ft. Lauderdale's 3rd Anniversary 6×6 Show. My second oil painting ever, in life. When I went to pick up the work, one of the

Publish Date: 09/27/2011 9:50


Palette Knife Flower Painting by A – Laurie Pace

Palette Knife Flower Painting by A Texas Artist Laurie Pace. Progression on Flower Painting. 22 x 28 inches Oil on Canvas Stunning colors so different than my normal palette. Deep russets, oranges, roses and greens

Publish Date: 09/22/2011 5:08


Decorative Painting: Flower Cluster

In this first of two videos, I’ll show you how to paint a simple flower cluster with five-petal leaves.

Robert Crumb Prints For Sale
Apr 26th, 2009 by Aldouspi

Robert Crumb is one of America’s most iconic artists. If you have not discovered his work, here are some books of his to check out…

Books Featuring Robert Crumb

    Robert Crumb’s Sex Obsessions


    “Somehow the Devil got me!” Robert Crumb’s personal selection of his most secret fantasies. They have little to do with the standard procreative urge, Mr. Crumb admits. He has also said he finds nothing more boring than someone else’s sexual obsessions, and yet through his long career the world’s most famous underground cartoonist has felt compelled to include his own sex fantasies in his art. He explains it as a compulsive catharsis, while fans call Crumb’s erotic fantasies the Master at his best.

    Now Robert Crumb has selected his most intimately revealing comic strips and single page drawings to create a 258 page encyclopedic trip through his sexual psyche. All images were created between 1980 and 2006, and all strips are hand-colored for a lush vibrancy never seen in his comic books.

    In total, the book features 14 complete stories, including “My Troubles With Women,” “If I Were a King,” “A Bitchin’ Bod,” and “How To Have Fun With a Strong Girl,” as well as 60 single page drawings. The artist admits it’s a little scary to see his most fevered obsessions collected end to end like this, but fans will find “Robert Crumb’s Sex Obsessions,” a fascinating peek inside an often tortured, always brilliantly talented mind.

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    Collecting his political drawings and another series of thematic anthologies from the Grand Master of modern comix. From the right-on 60s and 70s to the bitterness and disillusion of the 80s and ending with the futility of fighting the all powerful system, Crumb covers a variety of political attitudes while retaining his anti-Establishment opinions.

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    Robert Crumb – The Pocket Essential Guide

    Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are concise, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert opinions, each book has all the key information you need to know about such popular topics as film, television, cult fiction, history, and more. This is the first book-length critical study of Robert Crumb, covering all of his cross-cultural endeavors in comics, music, and film.

    Every significant Crumb comic and story is examined, from the early Yum Yum Book to 2002’s From Cradle to Grave. Also included is an exclusive interview with Robert Crumb himself.

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Robert Crumb Prints For Sale

    [phpbay]Robert Crumb Poster, 12, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]Robert Crumb Print, 9, “”, “”[/phpbay]

The Complete Crumb Comics Vol. 7 – video preview

134-page b&w/color 8.5″ x 11″ softcover, $19.99 ISBN: 978-1-56097-061-3
www.fantagraphics.com Back in print in a new 2009 softcover edition!
This superb collection of work by Robert Crumb continues into the ’70s
with another 120-page slab of pure Crumb…

News About Robert Crumb Prints

Crumb flies in, then signs in Chelsea gallery

The Villager - 6 yearss ago


The Definitive Take on King's Classic Novel - 6 yearss ago


A Mixed Bag of Folklore Terror - 6 yearss ago

News via Google. See more news matching 'robert crumb print'

Robert Crumb Prints For Sale related articles

Mike Lynch Cartoons: R. Crumb Print Snowboard Jacket

“Check out the print by cartoonist Robert Crumb. A prominent figure in the 60s and 70s counter culture, Crumb is world-renowned for his subversive voice and controversial artwork. We’re only producing 500 pieces in this print, …

Publish Date: 10/16/2009 19:14


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