Modern Female Pin-up 0f 2017 plus Pin-up Art For Sale
May 8th, 2017 by Aldouspi

Sometimes you might think that there are no more beautiful women to photograph. And then you wake up from your momentary insanity and look around. I am happy to bring you another beautiful female pin-up – as modern as 2017 and as pretty as the first woman who posed for art 10,000 years ago…

Hey, check out these Pin-up Art auctions. Auctions are a great way to add to your pin-up art collection!

    Pin-up Art For Sale

    [phpbay]pinup art, 15, “1”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]pinup art, 4, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Modern Pin-up a Go Go – women in front of cars

News About Modern Pin-up

Pin-up Art related article…

Pinup art that kicks you in the teeth

We love cheesecake, but especially when it packs a bit of a kick. Aly Fell’s pinup art includes robots, zombie-slayers, vampires, witches, demons and supervillains. And transdimensional dragon hunters! Check out a few of our favorites.

Publish Date: 06/25/2010 16:00

Cowgirl Needs a Ride, Pin-up by Gil Elvgren
Feb 13th, 2016 by Aldouspi

Looks like she may have lost her horse.
This pretty cowgirl with her saddle is out hitchhiking and looking for a ride. Nice Pin-up art by Gil Elvgren

PinUp: “Let’s Go” by Gil Elvgren, c. 1960 …

Pin Up Arhiv

A Few Notes on Cowgirls

    Not too surprising in the most basic of terms, a cowgirl is the female equivalent of a cowboy. But that does not necessarily mean that these women are or were out on the range herding cattle. Of course, women were and are still very active in the running of a ranch. But being a cowgirl, today, may be more about having the attitude of a cowgirl (and wearing boots and a cowboy hat). Another requirement is knowing how to ride a horse. By the way, an advantage in wearing those specialzed boots is that they are appropriate for many different social situations.

    Anyway, the bottom line is that being a cowgirl is about knowing your cowgirl roots, dressing like a cowgirl, and acting like a cowgirl. Being a working cowgirl is about hard work, but it is also about having fun. And actually, modern cowgirls often participate and compete in rodeos, where barrel racing is the most popular event for women. These rodeos are for women who don’t mind getting muddy and showing how tough they really are. Remember, cowgirls often get tossed into the dirt and dust when trying to wrestle a steer or ride that bucking bronco.

    Fashion tip: Cowgirls often wear different colored socks on each foot, for luck. Nonetheless, cowgirls still look stylish both in and out of the arena venues.

    Another fashion tip: Braids are both becoming and utilitarian for the modern, working cowgirl.

    Final fashion tip: Cowgirls often wear authentic Indian jewelry as a way of expressing the country life and the style of the Old West.

    There is a group called Cowgirls Are Forever which promotes the ideal of the spirit of the everlasting cowgirl who travels the land in search of empowering her beauty within, living freely and loving endlessly.

    An aside for New Mexico food lovers: Since 1993, a restaurant, the Cowgirl, has been serving up righteous barbecue, regional American cuisine, and a whole lot more at its Railyard location near downtown Santa Fe.

    And finally, I should note that cowgirls can’t be tamed, but they can be wooed.

    Click to Tweet Me. Share! => Tweet: It is said that “Cowgirls can’t be tamed, but they can be wooed.” –

Books About Cowgirls

    See this TITLE: Hey, Cowgirl, Need a Ride?

    A down-on-his-luck former rodeo champion, Lick is working in the remote Nevada desert with fellow cowboy Al Bean when Teddie Arizona, a gorgeous siren with the henchmen of her “husband” F. Rank Pantaker in hot pursuit, arrives.



    See this TITLE: Mexican Calendar Girls: Chicas de calendarios Mexicanos

    Mexican calendar girls, produced from the 1930s to the 1960s, are popular throughout the U.S. and Mexico. The art form is traced for the first time in this bilingual book, with over 150 of the vibrant paintings and includes biographies of the artists and the social circumstances of the calendars.

    Source …


    See this TITLE: Gil Elvgren: The Wartime Pin-Ups (Vignettes) (Vol 1)

    This book shows why Elvgren’s pin-ups were destined to make history.

    Source …


Click here for another post
featuring a Cowgirl Makeup video and Cowgirl Boots for sale

=> News and Video About Cowgirls Below

    Cowgirl Art For Sale

    [phpbay]cowgirl art, 15, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]cowgirl pinup, 6, “”, “”[/phpbay]

News About Cowgirls

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