Girly + Sweet Pin up Makeup Tutorial using Alice in Wonderland Palette Dec 23rd, 2010 by Aldouspi
WEBSITE: TWITTER FACEBOOK: Sorry I didn’t show how to do the lips and show you all the face “Live” .. I accidentally didn’t hit record for that and only realized it oh about the next day while editing … Anyway, it was really simple — I used NARS Lipstick in “Roman Holiday” [bright pink] and topped it with some of NARS Lipgloss in “Greek Holiday” which is really unnecessary because all it did was and a teensy bit of shimmer. Yo, FTC: All of the products used and mentioned in this video were bought and paid for with my own money. The only products that I was sent for free were the Sigma brushes. None of the companies mentioned are paying me to do this video. I was just bored and decided to hit record. Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Youtube Classic Pin-up Art: The Petty Girl I Apr 24th, 2010 by Aldouspi
Product Description “The Petty Girl was to print what Harlow and Grable were to film. George Petty was to the American woman what Norman Rockwell was to the family. Without George Petty’s Petty Girl, there would have been no Varga Girl or Playboy Playmate, for the entire concept of a pinup in a magazine was his. Prior to the Petty Girl, there had been the girl on the magazine cover, but never the girl in the magazine. This 50-card set, with card backs written by world-renowned authorit… More >>
Classic Pin-up Art: The Petty Girl I
American Woman ,
Classic ,
Classic Art ,
Cover Girl ,
George Petty ,
Girl ,
Girl In The Magazine ,
Girl Magazine ,
Grable ,
Harlow ,
Norman Rockwell ,
Petty ,
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Product Description ,
Varga Girl