Hi Tiggy, how much would it cost for a tattoo done by you? Aug 4th, 2014 by Aldouspi
Have you seen an artist’s work and want them to design a tattoo for you?
If you are into tattooing, as you search across the Internet, you are bound to come across artworks and artist’s that could make a good tattoo. And you probably have begun to regularly check out particular artists the focus on tattoo designs. Don’t be shy, if you like their work and want a tattoo design from a favored artist, send them an e-mail.
Here is a recent request, that Tiggy the tattoo art creator, recently received…
Hi Tiggy, i recently found out about you on tumblr, and i think your art is absolutely incredible. i was just wondering how much it would cost for a tattoo done by you, like what the minimum would be. And this may seem like a dumb question but have you ever tattooed a black person, because i was wondering would the ink show up on my skin and about maintenance and stuff. Anyways just curious. Hopefully, i have enough money to have you give me a awesome tattoo soon. xx Thanks.
Hey there lovely!
It’s better to email me your questions, tiggytattoos@icloud.com
However, if you think about tattooing in a similar way to drawing on paper with pencil crayons, imagine how the colours show up on dark paper compared to light paper. It’s totally the same deal when it comes to skin
I guess it depends on how dark your skin tone is really. Black ink would show up fine, but there wouldn’t be as much contrast between the ink and the skin, if that makes sense?
As another example – I’m very pale but my skin as a slight olive tone to it. I’ve noticed that my tattoos I have, the blues come up a little more green because they mix with the slight yellowish colour of my skin!
So anyway! If you would like something done, we can discuss your ideas and prices based on that via my email
Hope I’ve helped xx
Tiggy Tuppence
Remember, tattoo artists work for a living. Many of them will be happy to provide a tattoo design for you at a fair price… Just ask!
Tattoo Art For Sale [phpbay]tattoo art, 20, “”, “”[/phpbay]
Boog Star Tattoo Artist Interview | Ink And Honor
http://inkandhonor.com/ Tattoo Artist Boog Star Interview For Ink & Honor Don’t Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe! Subscribe to Ink & Honor: http://bit….
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42 ,
8b ,
a ,
about ,
Absolu ,
Absolute ,
Absolutely ,
Ake ,
Ally ,
Amp ,
Another ,
Anyways ,
Arc ,
Art ,
Art For Sale ,
Arti ,
Artist ,
Artist Interview ,
artists ,
Artists Work ,
artwork ,
Artworks ,
Atc ,
Awe ,
awesome ,
b ,
Bas ,
Bec ,
Because ,
Bet ,
Better ,
between ,
Black ,
Black Ink ,
Blank ,
Blue ,
blues ,
Boog Star Tattoo ,
Bound ,
Br ,
Bu ,
C ,
Caus ,
Ces ,
Cf ,
Check ,
Ck ,
Colour ,
Colours ,
Come ,
comes ,
contra ,
cost ,
Could ,
Cr ,
Crayon ,
Crayons ,
creator ,
Credi ,
Crib ,
Cross ,
Cur ,
Curio ,
curious. ,
d ,
Dark ,
Desig ,
design ,
Designs ,
don't ,
done ,
Draw ,
Drawing ,
dumb ,
E ,
email ,
Ends ,
enough ,
Enough Money ,
Ev ,
Eve ,
Ew ,
Example ,
f ,
Fair ,
Farm ,
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Fine ,
Flick ,
Flickr ,
Fo ,
Focus ,
forget ,
found ,
Fr ,
Frame ,
From ,
Fully ,
g ,
Ght ,
give ,
Goo ,
good ,
Gr ,
Green ,
Guess ,
h ,
Happ ,
Heck ,
Heir ,
Here ,
Hey ,
Hopeful ,
Hopefully ,
Hot ,
Hp ,
i ,
I’ve ,
Idea ,
ideas ,
Ign ,
Illu ,
Illus ,
illustration ,
Imagine ,
Img ,
Incredible ,
Ing ,
internet ,
interview ,
into ,
Ish ,
Jpg ,
Just ,
k ,
l ,
Left ,
Light ,
like ,
lit ,
little ,
Live ,
Lm ,
Love ,
Lovely ,
Lt ,
lust ,
Ly ,
m ,
mail ,
main ,
maintenance ,
many ,
member ,
men ,
Met ,
minimum ,
Money ,
more ,
Mp ,
Mu ,
Much ,
n ,
Ngo ,
o ,
Olive ,
Om ,
Ot ,
other ,
p ,
Pale ,
Paper ,
Par ,
part ,
Pencil ,
person ,
Phot ,
Photo ,
Photos ,
Php ,
Pl ,
Post ,
question ,
Questions ,
r ,
Ra ,
Rat ,
Raw ,
Read ,
Real ,
really ,
recent ,
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Request ,
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Rt ,
s ,
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Screen ,
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search ,
seem ,
seen ,
Send ,
Sens ,
Show ,
Shy ,
Sign ,
signs ,
Sim ,
skin ,
Skin Tone ,
slight olive tone ,
slight yellowish colour ,
Sol ,
some ,
soon ,
Spa ,
space ,
Ss ,
Stat ,
Stuff ,
t ,
Tall ,
Target ,
Tattoo ,
Tattoo Art ,
tattoo art creator ,
Tattoo Artist ,
Tattoo Artists ,
Tattoo Design ,
Tattoo Designs ,
Tattooed ,
tattooing ,
Tattoos ,
Ter ,
Than ,
Thanks. ,
their ,
There ,
They ,
Thing ,
think ,
this ,
Tiggy ,
Tiggy Tuppence ,
totally ,
Tp ,
Tube ,
Tumblr ,
u ,
v ,
very ,
View ,
want ,
watch ,
Ways ,
Wis ,
Wish ,
Wit ,
wondering ,
Work ,
Works ,
would ,
Ww ,
xx Tiggy Tuppence ,
Yc ,
Yell ,
Yellow ,
Youtub ,
Youtube Princess Ai Vol. 1 by D. J. Milky and Misaho Kujiradou Mar 4th, 2012 by Aldouspi
Princess Ai Vol. 1 by D. J. Milky and Misaho Kujiradou Book Description: This graphic novel opens on Ai, unconscious and sprawled sexily on a Tokyo street or alley, her clothes thrashed and torn. She gets up and wanders into the Tokyo night, confused and in shock and wondering, “Where am I?” Ai is holding a heart-shaped box (which holds the Tenketsu jewelry given to her by Nora.) As she nears a busier street, a crook steals Ai’s heart-shaped box and runs away. Almost immediately, the crook begins to weaken from the toxic effect the box has on humans, making it easy for Kent to catch him and knock him down. As Kent reaches for the heart-shaped box, Ai snaps at him not to touch it…
Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 3.7 out of 5 stars
The specs of ‘Princess Ai Vol. 1’ are:
Publisher: TokyoPop (2004-07-06)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1591826691Product Dimensions: 7.4×4.8×0.9 inchesShipping Weight: 0.4 poundsHere are some REAL customer reviews:
“I went into this hopeful.”
“I wanted to check it out since Courtney Love is a good musician in my eyes, despite the fact that a lot of people dislike her. I purchased this yesterday (July 15th, 2004), and I'll be returning it within the next few days. I could not finish this title,…Read more
“Not in love.”
“I can't say I was impressed with this manga. That is my sugar-coated statement to sum up my point of view. My actual feelings are that I have never felt such hatred for a manga. The only redeeming quality of this piece of tripe is the gorgeous artwork of…Read more
“Beautiful Drawings and Great New Fashions!”
“This manga is about a girl named Ai who is from the planet Ailand. She suddenly finds herself in Tokyo, Japan and all she remembers is her name is Ai and that she is the princess of Ailand. She meets Kent, a rocker, and he helps her discover…Read more
Get Princess Ai Vol. 1 at the best price available today.
Princess Ai For Sale [phpbay]Princess Ai, 15, “”, “”[/phpbay]
Princess Ai Vol. 1 by D. J. Milky and Misaho Kujiradou related articles from the blogosphere… Princess Ai Music Video- Seraph Serenade
One of the favorites from Ai’s repertoire, although it’s actually *Kent* who first sings the song in the series itself. In volume 2, after Ai’s gone off to live in the HTA apartments, Kent sneaks into the massive complex to serenade his own personal …
Princess Ai (1/2) | www.Bestwebphoto.com
www.bestwebphoto.com 1/26/12
Princess Ai (1/2) Picture, here you can see Princess Ai (1/2) news or download Princess Ai (1/2) wallpapers here (Size Original). This entry was posted on Thursday, January 26th, 2012 at 9:03 am and is filed under Anime. You can follow any …
manga_colors: PreviewOne is from Princess Ai , and the
manga-colors.livejournal.com 3/2/12
Preview One is from Princess Ai , and the other Ranma 1/2! Thanks for looking! ^_^/
MangaBlog PR: Still more Princess Ai
mangablog.net 2/13/08
Can't get enough of Princess Ai ? You're in luck! Tokyopop continues to expand the Princess Ai -niverse with a new anthology containing 12 stories by an assortment of creators that includes T Campbell and Amy Mebberson, …
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