Pin-up Art Aug 31st, 2010 by Aldouspi
Product Description This title has been long out of print, which is a shame considering how nice of a book it is. All the text is in German, the images are both color and black and white. 155pp., cloth boards, mylar dustjacket. Includes artwork by Elvgren , Moran, Vargas . A fine edition…. More >>
Pin-up Art
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Zebra Island Inspiration! May 23rd, 2010 by Aldouspi
I will be traveling & bringing my Pin-Up style to the gorgeous islands of the Philippines for several months this year, so next available sessions at my SF Bay Area studio will be in July. So ladies, you have time to get tanned & fit for your fabulous summer session! Please feel free to contact me by early June to book your sizzling summer pin-ups in July & August! For East Coast ladies, I will be scheduling sessions in NYC in the fall. Please email me if interested about upcoming Manhattan sessions in Sept/Oct 2010. Thanks and looking forward to bringing back some island inspiration for your Pin-Ups! xoxo Kelly
Amp ,
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Islands Of The Philippines ,
Manhattan ,
Pin Ups ,
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Sf Bay Area ,
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